The Globalist Establishment Continues to Push for WAR Against RUSSIA, Trying to Spark up WWIII; U.S. Army Conducting GUERRILLA WARFARE Exercise Training Troops in OVERTHROWING “ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENTS”, Whistleblower Says Military SOFTENING Standards for WOMEN
A former Defense Department official has warned that war is imminent with Russia and that the U.S must ready itself for the inevitable. Washington could be forced to intervene if Russia takes steps to launch an invasion on Ukraine. Evelyn Farkas, who served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia … Continue reading “The Globalist Establishment Continues to Push for WAR Against RUSSIA, Trying to Spark up WWIII; U.S. Army Conducting GUERRILLA WARFARE Exercise Training Troops in OVERTHROWING “ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENTS”, Whistleblower Says Military SOFTENING Standards for WOMEN”

EXPOSED: March for Life Cancels Annual Expo; Demands “VACCINE” COMPLIANCE for Indoor Event, Pushing Same Jabs That Are MURDERING BABIES and Causing SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS
The once-vigilant March for Life bent the knee to baby killers and liberals by insisting attendees of its annual Rose Dinner Gala get a Covid shot or proof of a negative test. Following a backlash against taking a so-called “vaccine” that was developed using aborted babies, the annual pro-life event was reportedly canceled indoor gatherings. … Continue reading “EXPOSED: March for Life Cancels Annual Expo; Demands “VACCINE” COMPLIANCE for Indoor Event, Pushing Same Jabs That Are MURDERING BABIES and Causing SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONS”

World Economic Forum Continues to Push CLIMATE CHANGE for DEPOPULATION; Trump Says Politicians Are “GUTLESS” for NOT EXPOSING Their “VACCINATION” STATUS, Republicans Now Pushing “VACCINE” MANDATES
The Globalists are at it again, pretending we’re all under a dire threat in their never-ending cycle of fear. On Monday, the World Economic Forum (WEF) declared that the “climate crisis remains the biggest long-term threat facing humanity” according to Peter Giger, group chief risk officer for Zurich Insurance Group. “Failure to act on climate … Continue reading “World Economic Forum Continues to Push CLIMATE CHANGE for DEPOPULATION; Trump Says Politicians Are “GUTLESS” for NOT EXPOSING Their “VACCINATION” STATUS, Republicans Now Pushing “VACCINE” MANDATES”

Judge Considers TOSSING Ghislaine Maxwell GUILTY VERDICT and RE-DOING TRIAL After “JUROR BLUNDER” Is Discovered
The Ghislaine Maxwell trial had only just faded from the headlines before taking a drastic turn. Two jurors who spoke to the press about their deliberations have noted that they themselves were victims of sexual abuse and used their experiences to sway jurors who were skeptical of the prosecution’s witnesses. The revelation has, naturally, resulted … Continue reading “Judge Considers TOSSING Ghislaine Maxwell GUILTY VERDICT and RE-DOING TRIAL After “JUROR BLUNDER” Is Discovered”

Ronald Bernard, the Dutch banker who exposed the Satanic Globalist elites and their plans for world domination and their taste for small children, says that they have always had a plan for humanity and that is one ultimate goal: to destroy life. Bernard worked at the very top of the financial world, for the most powerful … Continue reading “SATANIC RITUALS and CHILD SACRIFICE: Ex-Top Banker Warned of GLOBALIST ELITES Wanting to DESTROY HUMANITY YEARS AGO”

GET OUT AND VOTE: Another Republican Makes a PROMISE (Make Them DELIVER), This Time Rep. Jim Jordan as He Plans to Take on BIG TECH if GOP Regains Control of the House in Midterms
Speaking to Breitbart News, House Judiciary Committee member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) promises to take on Big Tech and hold them accountable for the censorship of Americans if the Republicans win back the House in the upcoming 2022 midterm elections. During his interview with Alex Marlow, Jordan said that the Judiciary Committee is looking into … Continue reading “GET OUT AND VOTE: Another Republican Makes a PROMISE (Make Them DELIVER), This Time Rep. Jim Jordan as He Plans to Take on BIG TECH if GOP Regains Control of the House in Midterms”

GLOBAL ALERT: An Estimated 10 MILLION People PER DAY Are Set on Irreversible Countdown to “Vaccine” DEATH That Could EXTERMINATE BILLIONS if Not Stopped in the Next Year; 1-2 BILLION Expected to DIE in Next Decade (And Those Numbers Are INCREASING)
The entire world is currently on a trajectory of doom, and the Wu-Flu ‘vaccines’ are to blame. According to projections by Mike Adams of Natural News, deaths could reach into the billions, 10 million people “each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death,” Adams writes. Adams further explains that: “Biden and … Continue reading “GLOBAL ALERT: An Estimated 10 MILLION People PER DAY Are Set on Irreversible Countdown to “Vaccine” DEATH That Could EXTERMINATE BILLIONS if Not Stopped in the Next Year; 1-2 BILLION Expected to DIE in Next Decade (And Those Numbers Are INCREASING)”

After conservative commentator Joe Rogan interviewed a leading virologist who asserts world governments are using the Covid crisis to manipulate the masses, their free speech was assaulted, and character impugned. But despite the backlash thought leaders such as Rogan and Dr. Robert Malone face, the truth about “Mass Formation Psychosis” won’t be suppressed. “When you … Continue reading “MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS Admittedly Used by GOVERNMENTS as Tool of POPULATION CONTROL”

Quebec to BAN Unvaccinated From Buying MARIJUANA and HARD LIQUOR
Authorities in Quebec, Canada are about to ban those who refuse to take the experimental gene therapy that has likely caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, from buying marijuana and liquor. Quebec Prime Minister, Francois Legault’s administration has plans to force people to show proof of vaccination before they are able to … Continue reading “Quebec to BAN Unvaccinated From Buying MARIJUANA and HARD LIQUOR”

AT LEAST 150,000 Americans Have Been Killed By COVID “Vaccines”… And Counting
A study out of Columbia University reports there have thus far been over 150,000 Americans die after they had received the experimental gene therapy, meant to treat the Wu-Flu. The CDC, however, are still claiming that there have been no deaths from the experimental jabs. Here are some quotes from the Columbia University paper: Results … Continue reading “AT LEAST 150,000 Americans Have Been Killed By COVID “Vaccines”… And Counting”

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