Trump Campaign Files Another Lawsuit in Michigan
The Trump campaign has filed another lawsuit alleging faulty ballot counting in Michigan, a battleground state the media called for Joe Biden on Election Day. Michigan is one of many states where the election results are being challenged by the Trump camp. The latest lawsuit takes aim at Wayne County, which includes Detroit and surrounding … Continue reading “Trump Campaign Files Another Lawsuit in Michigan”

Yes, The Election Was Indeed RIGGED — But Not the Way Most People Think
When most people think of election interference — or “rigging” — the first thought that comes to mind is a shady gang of super spies breaking into polling places in the dead of the night, and actively marking up ballots to favor the other side. For reasons that should be obvious to everyone with a … Continue reading “Yes, The Election Was Indeed RIGGED — But Not the Way Most People Think”

GOP Blasts “Partisan” Pelosi: “This Isn’t About Oversight… Pure Politics”
Nancy Pelosi just doesn’t get it… many people think her aging brain just can’t comprehend facts anymore. The elderly speaker announced yesterday that she is creating a new House Select Committee on COVID-19, and was quickly called about by the GOP for her “partisan” action. Since there are already oversight committees for the stimulus … Continue reading “GOP Blasts “Partisan” Pelosi: “This Isn’t About Oversight… Pure Politics””

Fox News CENSORS Kayleigh McEnany, Reveals Hidden Agenda
During a live feed from White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Monday explaining the depths of the voter fraud currently happening within the recent presidential election, Fox News host Neil Cavuto interrupted the network’s broadcast, saying that he could not “in good countenance continue showing” it due to her “incorrect” allegations of voter fraud … Continue reading “Fox News CENSORS Kayleigh McEnany, Reveals Hidden Agenda”

Georgia’s Ballot Recount is STILL Happening
If you’ve had your fill of bad news, you might want to click away from this article. We know it’s not the media’s job to call elections. We know the voter fraud perpetrated by the Left is enormous. We also know that cheating is not winning, and this thing is not over. However, despite the … Continue reading “Georgia’s Ballot Recount is STILL Happening”

Dem Honor: Biden Earns 11 Pinocchios In 3 weeks For Lying About Virus
Most people argue that democrats and the leftist media are lying to them… and they have a point. Several times over the last three weeks, presumptive democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has earned a whopping 11 “Pinocchios” from the Washington Post, an outlet no longer renowned for its journalistic integrity. So, if WaPo was forced … Continue reading “Dem Honor: Biden Earns 11 Pinocchios In 3 weeks For Lying About Virus”

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