If you’ve had your fill of bad news, you might want to click away from this article. We know it’s not the media’s job to call elections. We know the voter fraud perpetrated by the Left is enormous. We also know that cheating is not winning, and this thing is not over.
However, despite the fact that multiple lawsuits have been filed on the heft of voluminous amounts of evidence of voter fraud, voting infirmities, and polling irregularities, the lieutenant governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan claims there is no evidence of fraud in this election.
He told CNN (who else?), “We’ll make sure that every sort of legal opportunity to make sure that — if there’s an issue out there, we want to make sure we understand it, investigate it, and be able to make sure we were able to rectify it. We’ve not had any sort of credible incidents raised to our level yet and so we’ll continue to make sure that the opportunity to make sure every legal ballot is counted is there, but you know, at this point, we’ve not seen any sort of credible examples.”
Late last week the Associated Press took it upon itself to declare Joe Biden the winner of the election. Soon after that, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez started calling for Trump supporters to be put on a list and “held to account.”
Frankly, we have covered nothing but egregious lies over the past four years lies designed to smear President Trump and to marginalize working people, conservatives, families, Christians, and more.
We have fought back against the non-stop freight train of deception and trickery — and in every case, the lies have been proven wrong and the evil has been defeated. But, sadly, we have no time to rest after this revolting election.
The theft of this election is the biggest crime the Left has perpetrated against liberty to date. To make things worse, too many conservatives are running for cover, abandoning truth, and reason hoping that the leftist thugs behind all this will eat them last.
At this time the Georgia recount is yet to be completed. The fate of the Union may well hang on the result of the election in that state.
As he should do, Donald Trump has refused to concede the election.
Duncan claims that he will make officials available should any credible evidence of fraud arise. Apparently, he has been in bed since last Wednesday, because there are thousands of pieces of indisputable evidence that can be seen on YouTube alone.
Trump released this statement on Georgia today: “We’ve got the secretary of state’s office, the attorney general’s office. We have every reason to listen to those claims and to investigate them, and so if something arises in the next few days, then certainly we want to make sure we investigate that and that’s what our job is.”
Spread the truth. Pray for Justice, and never give up.