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GLOBAL ALERT: An Estimated 10 MILLION People PER DAY Are Set on Irreversible Countdown to “Vaccine” DEATH That Could EXTERMINATE BILLIONS if Not Stopped in the Next Year; 1-2 BILLION Expected to DIE in Next Decade (And Those Numbers Are INCREASING)

The entire world is currently on a trajectory of doom, and the Wu-Flu ‘vaccines’ are to blame.

According to projections by Mike Adams of Natural News, deaths could reach into the billions, 10 million people “each day are being put on an irreversible countdown to vaccine death,” Adams writes.

Adams further explains that:

“Biden and other world leaders don’t care about legal challenges and the rule of law. They know that if they can bully these vaccines into people for just one more year, they will murder over 3.5 billion more human beings from vaccine-induced deaths that kick in over the next decade.”

“That’s why we have less time remaining than you might think. And that’s why the vaccine zealots don’t care if they get stopped over the next 2-3 years by court challenges. By then it’s too late for humanity.”

Adams also points out that ‘fact-checkers’ who work for Reuters, are compromised because of the close relationship they have with Pfizer. Obviously they’re going to suppress information and cover up for the company that has the CEO of Pfizer, as one of its board members.

Facebook and Twitter, of course, allow censorship, because they are also part of the Globalist agenda to depopulate the planet.

Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Banks, are all conspiring your demise and have done so for decades now.

Currently, VAERS is reporting 21,000 post-vax deaths in the U.S. The under reporting factor (URF) in normal times is a factor of 40. Going by this, the calculation is closer to 820,000 and keep in mind, VAERS is months behind in its data entry.

Nurses are allegedly being ordered by doctors to not report to VAERS if it’s suspected a patient has died due to the vax.

Mike Adams writes that, “we also know from anecdotal evidence that a shocking number of US doctors have no idea what VAERS is. They make no reports whatsoever and aren’t even aware of the existence of this system.”

“This fact, combined with the realization that nurses are being actively ordered to avoid VAERS reporting on covid vaccines, means the URF of 40 is far too low. Given the environment of extreme suppression now leveled against doctors and nurses to try to cover up vaccine injuries, a more legitimate estimate of the URF would be 200.”

“If accurate, this would mean that 21,000 VAERS reports actually translated into 4.2 million US deaths from these vaccines so far.” he said.

There’s something else to consider, vaccines aren’t just killing people in the short term, vaccines can kill over three phases, and this could take up to 10 years to happen. For those who make it that far – vaccine-induced cancer is waiting.

Mike Adams explains in greater detail:

“If one-third of vaccinated people are set on a path to die from the vaccine over the next decade, then each day that these vaccines continue, about 10 million people are being sentenced to death.”

“If this continues for just one more year — 365 days — this would mean an additional 3.65 billion people will be exterminated by vaccines and die from vaccine-induced fatalities over the next decade or so. That’s roughly half the world’s population, by the way.”

“People are being given multiple injections via “boosters.” Thus, one person can be injected five or six times with mRNA shots, and even if only one-third of those shots are “kill shots,” their chances of escaping the kill shot dwindle rapidly. It’s like playing vaccine roulette.”

Adam’s listed the odds of a person being able to avoid a kill shot, assuming that one-third of them are deadly:

  • 1st injection: 66.6% chance of evading death.
  • 2nd injection: 44.4% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 2) 
  • 3rd injection: 29.5% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 3) 
  • 4th injection: 19.7% chance of evading death. (.666 ^ 4) 
  • 5th injection: 13.1% chance of evading death. 
  • 6th injection: 8.7% chance of evading death. 

“If the governments of the world can coerce people into taking six shots, they can kill over 90% of the world’s population, given that one-third of vaccine lots are kill shots and assuming a 100% kill rate over time. Thus, the only way to stop this vaccine holocaust is to stop the vaccines.”

They – Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Banks, are all conspiring your demise and have done so for decades now, it seems they may get their wish if we don’t turn this around as quickly as possible.

3 thoughts on “GLOBAL ALERT: An Estimated 10 MILLION People PER DAY Are Set on Irreversible Countdown to “Vaccine” DEATH That Could EXTERMINATE BILLIONS if Not Stopped in the Next Year; 1-2 BILLION Expected to DIE in Next Decade (And Those Numbers Are INCREASING)”

  1. If these figures are even 1% correct the enormity of this crime against mankind makes Nazi Germany look like a preschool operation. The criminality is gargantuan and those responsible need be brought to justice!

    1. The problem being or not the information deserves to be out there and then let the readers decide. Not just this, there have been other acts of treason and culpability to it out there as is. This movie lacks action where the people can really see some of these things and thus kind of lacks transparency. These days it is getting to be a matter of who to trust for many people. I can hear it in their comments.

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