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Swimmer Calls for Boycott After Trans Athlete Steals the Opportunity to Compete

Women’s Sports has been subject to assault from trans athletes or rather, biological men – who are competing, and winning, against biological females.

Biological women are missing out in competitive sports, and it’s trans athletes who are bumping them off the list.  Across the Sports world, biological men who are competing against females are smashing records. Before their transitions, however, they were only ever mediocre athletes at best.

The 2020 Olympic Games featured a trans weightlifter – Laurel Hubbard, competing for New Zealand – who ultimately failed to qualify for a medal, but not without a huge amount of controversy.

Hubbard had stolen a spot from a biological female to compete in the Olympic Games, so whether Hubbard won or lost, Hubbard’s appearance was at the expense of a woman.

Trans athlete Lia Thomas, a student and swimmer from Pennsylvania University, has been making headlines after Thomas was allowed to compete in women’s swimming. 

One female swimmer who is not happy about being pushed out of being able to compete, is Virginia Tech swimmer Reka Gyorgy.

Gyorgy is calling for a boycott, after criticizing the NCAA for supporting Thomas.

A native of Hungary, Gyorgy tweeted:

“My finals spot was stolen by Lia Thomas, who is a biological male. Until we all refuse to compete nothing will change. Thanks for all the support, retweets and follows. I won’t stop fighting.”

On her Twitter account, Gyorgy also shared a video of a fellow swimmer, who had had her opportunity to compete taken away by Thomas, who is a man living as a woman. The swimmer was upset about the hard work that had been put into her sport, only to be nixed by Thomas.

Gyorgy wrote a letter to the NCAA, and blasted the organization for their lack of protection for female athletes.

“I’m writing this letter right now in hopes that the NCAA will open their eyes and change these rules in the future. It doesn’t promote our sport in a good way and I think it is disrespectful against the biologically female swimmers who are competing in the NCAA,” Gyorgy wrote.

The Virginia Tech student was the first to criticize Thomas openly and took to Twitter to share her frustrations.

“I’m a 5th year senior, I have been top 16 and top 8 before and I know how much of a privilege it is to make finals at a meet this big,” Gyorgy said. “This is my last college meet ever and I feel frustrated. It feels like that final spot was taken away from me because of the NCAA’s decision to let someone who is not a biological female compete.”

“I know you could say I had the opportunity to swim faster and make the top 16, but this situation makes it a bit different and I can’t help but be angry or sad,” Gyorgy explained. 

“It hurts me, my ear and other women in the pool. One spot was taken away from the girl who got 9th in the 500 free and didn’t make it back to the final, preventing her from being an All-American. Every event that transgender athletes competed in was one spot taken away from biological females throughout the meet.”

Gyorgy noted that the “NCAA knew what was coming this past week. They knew opinions and minds will be divided and chose to do nothing.”

“This week has been more about reporters, media and division in our sport than things like two women going under 21 seconds in the 50 freestyle, 3 women going under 50 seconds in the 100 butterfly and the first woman IN HISTORY to go under 48 seconds in the 100 backstroke,” Gyorgy wrote.

The swimmer did not blame Lia Thomas, however, but said the move to allow trans athletes, is “the result of the NCAA and their lack of interest in protecting their athletes.”

“I ask that the NCAA takes time to think about all the other biological women in swimming, try to think how they would feel if they would be in our shoes,” she concluded. “Make the right changes for our sport and for a better future in swimming.”

17 thoughts on “Swimmer Calls for Boycott After Trans Athlete Steals the Opportunity to Compete”

  1. These men dressed up as woman should have their own category if they want to compete in any sport. If you are born a man, you remain a man, only the mind changes and makes you think you are a woman. Thats a scientific fact, only in their minds are they woman. So, yes its so unfair on proper females to compete when these dudes are allowed in by weak officialism.

  2. Woman’s sports are being trashed by transgenders. How does a woman physically compete with a biological male? It is proven that they are stronger and faster than a woman. Is that justice? The NCAA policy is ruining sports. I will not stand for that. Women UNITE! Take them to court. If a “woman” has a penis they are NOT women. Let’s fight this diatribe to the Nth degree.

  3. It is absolutely wrong to allow this nonsense. It is not mankind’s fault that nature deformed LBGT individuals.
    Most Natural born individuals have accepted & respected LBGT individuals, but a few of these LBGT individuals are vicious, ungrateful bullies trying to punish all mankind for what Mother Nature did to them… and that is misguided hatred… that must be stopped IMMEDIATELY at all levels of society.

  4. It is an absolute disgrace that anyone could now say Hey thinks he is a woman and and have an opportunity to to steal the rights of women in competition When men have a totally unfair advantage.. More importantly it’s time to stop saying God was wrong and that there twisted thoughts straight out of the Prince of darkness’s mind were right’s sickening evil perversion

    1. Steve, WAKE UP immortality is taking or has taken over the mindset of US if not the World. Prayer is an option but Prophecy is playing out.

  5. There is no such thing as transgender and homosexuality is a sin and anyone who accepts or condones homosexuality will not be accepted in Gods kingdom when he ends all of this evilness and satan’s reign . So reject the sinners and thier sins and be held in high regard in Gods eyes . Governments that promote homosexuality are serving satan !

    1. RDL , though I agree with your stance I also have to state, that said Hate the sin but pray for the sinner. Just saying I don’t always agree but it is written

  6. GOD created male and female full stop!!!!! Gender and transgender is a creation of man thinking that he is so much smarter than GOD!!!!!

  7. it is so unfair men are men drugs and surgery does not change the fact its time too make a new position for transgenders and make woman’s sports fair again . Women have came along way scalar ships etc has been taken a way from real women that has worked hard to get as high in their sport it needs change asp stop all this mental illness allowing gays all the changes is find but now they are getting carried away !!!

  8. Hooray for this wonderful young lady for standing up for rights which should never have been called into play to begin with under any circumstance! Anyone born with testicles and a penis is a male no matter what kind of fool has inlluenced him to claim otherwise! Unless one is born a hermaphrodite, with both male and female genitalia, Lia or whatever his name is, should tighten his jock strap and climb in the pool with males ONLY to show off his competitive skills as a true athlete! Thanks a million for people like Reka Gyorgy…..Hungarian born, but 100% AMERICAN WOMAN!
    May GOD bless and keep her safe and healthy…..Americans could use many more exactly like her!

  9. In the beginning, God created MAN, Then WOMAN, and he NEVER EVER CREATED AN IT! End of story.

  10. My question to your ploy is WHERE ARE ALL OF YOUR FEMINIST ORGANIZATIONS in this fight? Them seem to only raise the head and complaints when politically appropriate. Has the LBGTQ infiltrated these organizations to the point that anything is allowable now?

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