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Poor and Overpopulated Nations With Low Vaccinated Rates Are Crushing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus “pandemic” has had little logic ever since it started over 18 months ago, and it’s making even less sense now.

The trouble seems to be that the introduction of the new “vaccines” that were created to fight the virus appear to be making the situation worse.

Why is it that overpopulated countries with lower vaccinated rates are reporting fewer cases of the CCP Virus and fewer overall deaths?

They aren’t even making the news.

No Mainstream Media to Push Propaganda

There are many reasons for the lower number of deaths in these countries and it has little to do with any vaccination.

There is little access to mainstream media, fear tactics and propaganda being pushed on the masses.

Many of the people in these countries have not changed their lifestyles or daily routines at all. 

Countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, even the Amish in the United States, have continued to live their lives the same way they did pre-COVID, yet many of their people have had the virus and already started to move past the pandemic.

Limited Access to “Vaccines”

With the way the mainstream media has been talking about the “vaccine” and how we all MUST be vaccinated, it stands to reason that these poverty-stricken people should have been completely decimated with the first wave of the virus.

But, they weren’t.

In fact, they’ve even made it through the “second wave” of the CCP Virus with limited access to the “mandatory vaccines,” and with even lower mortality numbers.

How is that even possible?

One clue is that they live a more natural lifestyle.

They are not exposed to a multitude of medications for every chronic illness known to man.

They eat fewer processed foods.

Their medicinal remedies are more natural in nature.

With that being said, many of the medicines used to treat the coronavirus are much more effective because people in these countries have had less exposure to many of them.

Third World Countries vs. the Amish

While people are continuously looking at these overpopulated, extremely poor countries and examining their numbers, we tend to forget that we have our own uniquely similar population within our own borders.

The Amish live a more wholesome lifestyle, take less medication, rarely go to the hospital, don’t use vaccinations, and most importantly, don’t play into the melodrama created by the media and aren’t influenced by forces outside of their own tight-knit communities.

Letting Nature Take Its Course

The Amish, much like the third world nations across the globe, believe in letting nature take its course.

They eat as healthy as they can, perform physical activity on a regular basis, and take few medicines aside from the natural remedies they make themselves.

They believe if the CCP Virus is there, they need to let it work through the population so that it won’t be able to affect them any further.

Once they have the immunities, the disease has essentially run its course.

Herd Immunity

The Amish and many of the populations in the Middle East, India and Indonesia have what is now referred to as “herd immunity.”

With almost every member of the population having been exposed to and dealt with COVID-19, they all now have the immunities, and therefore, it will no longer affect them.

Because the members of the communities are so intertwined, and social distancing is not something they complied with, the virus spread quickly and was dealt with in a quick fashion.

Fewer medicines, care at home, and the foods and practices that are needed to build the body’s health back to normal is how they did it.

With this type of mentality, they were allowed to maintain their daily practices and live the same type of life they always had.

Nowadays, when analyzing the Amish, it’s like the “pandemic” never happened.

Boost Your Own Immunities

With all of the hype surrounding the CCP Virus, many people are still confused as to why the fuss over this particular disease.

Where was the concern when the bird flu was going around, or the H1N1 virus?

There was no toxic cocktail “vaccine” for either of those.

So, why are we dealing with all of the mask mandates, social distancing and mandatory “vaccine” rhetoric now?

If all of these other countries, as well as the Amish, are thriving without any of those things, doesn’t it stand to reason that if we eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get the rest we need and maintain a safe environment, that we can be just as fortunate?

The reason a healthy lifestyle won’t work in this situation is that it’s common sense.

Common sense is irrelevant now.


And according to our government, we don’t know what’s good for us.

They have to tell us so we will all follow along.

We’re stupid peasants, ‘member?

You ‘member.

9 thoughts on “Poor and Overpopulated Nations With Low Vaccinated Rates Are Crushing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus”

  1. I never believe anything from Washington DC! Due to fact they are not looking out for me! But looking out for people who got the money they want themselves! Your body is your to treat as GOD made it! You got fat because you over eating or just lazy to exercise! Or fail to follow a diet that was healthy eating! Same gone with disease, your body can fight it if you take care of your body! None of these medications can work if the body immune system don’t deal with it!

  2. 250 members of congress had the virus but having refused to take the vaccine before, insisted on being treated early with Ivermectin; all got over the disease very quickly. The government says Ivermectin is not to be used as a Covid treatment for the rest of society because it isn’t proven effective. Until congress passes laws that apply to them as well, I too will not believe anything from Washington DC.

  3. If you believe ANYTHING that comes out of these communists mouth from this communist regime, you’re a damn fool! Stand up and take your country back! Grow a spine!

  4. The one thing Fauci got right is that herd immunity works. The things he got wrong are too many to list here, but let me give my opinion on a few. First of all is all his efforts being placed on the RNA vaccines and all of this therapies still unknown side affects many of which have caused death and permanent handicaps. Why wasn’t emphasis put on dead virus vaccine development who’s science and drawbacks are well known instead of this new vaccine science that has proved to be an abysmal failure. Then there is the criminal mandates to force people to submit to taking these controversial and harmful vaccines.

    Equally important is why more emphasis on finding affective treatments for Covid weren’t made and why all the misinformation about available antiviral remedies has continued to be broadcast by government and the media? Take Ivermectin for example, a drug that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine just a few years ago for its having saved two million humans from death and or blindness around the world due to its anti-virus affects. Yet the Democrst Socialist Communist Nazi Globalist Party portrays Ivermectine as a dangerous unproven horse pill. Ivermectine is no different from virtually all drugs are used both in humans and animals in the appropriate dosage. Any even partially open minded human has to wonder why if Invermectine is so dangerous and ineffective then why have so many politicians taken it. Equally obvious is the fact that Pfizer is pushing the FDA for approval of the virtual clone of Ivermectin to cure Covid. Their drug is in fact so close to Ivermectine in mode of anti-viral activity that it has been nicknamed “Pfizermectin” by the scientific community. Could the fact that Ivermectin cost is just pennies a dose while “Pfizermectine”, if approved, will probably sell at $100.00 or more per dose? And don’t even get me started on the overwhelming profits being garnered from the sales of 10s of billions of face masks world wide that have been scientifically proven to be ineffective in stopping the spread of any virus including Covid. Cloth masks and their valved clones offer only false hope of protection. Most importantly, if the current vaccines are as affective as they are promoted to be then you only have to conclude scientifically that based on the numbers of people that have recovered from Covid and the number of people already vaccinated, that we are passed the herd immunity threshold. So why the sinew spike in Covid infections and why a majority of Covid deaths are among the vaccinated.

  5. If everybody has the sense to check out facts all about this covid scare tactic please get covid revealed it’s a series of DVDs that explains everything please do this for yourselves and your family it tells you of all the tactics they are using to separate divide and conquer it’s not about health I promise you

  6. I could have told you that. Did you ever watch the TV show Conspiracy theory back in the 1990s with Jessy Ventura? Well, in one of the episodes Jessy was interviewing a woman doctor and she told Jessy all about a patient that she had and he or she told her all about a Fake Pandemic that will happen in the coming future and a massive CULLING of the masses of the Useless Feeders of the world and the overpopulation by a poison Vaccine that is going to slowly destroy our Organs. And what do you know it is happening just as she Predicted today.

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