No, It is Not Time to Heal: A Message to the Sanctimonious Left

On election night we watched as Stephen Crowder and others covered the event live and in great detail. We sat with bated breath as results came in on a drip-feed. But the polls were all wildly, inexplicably different.

Fox News called the Arizona results for Biden long before they were really in. Then, between 2:00 am and 3:00 am, the media and election centers somehow collectively called it a night. They said we should all go to bed, and that the count would continue the next day. In the morning we found that votes for Biden had jumped dramatically around 4:00 in the morning all at once. That’s when the videos of poll workers cheating, the testimony of Postal Service whistleblowers, and stories of postal workers getting arrested trying to drive into Canada with a load of uncounted Trump votes all started coming in at once.

By Wednesday night, it was clear to anyone who was following these events closely that the Democrats were cheating with unequaled brazenness all across the country. Then the Associated Press declared Joe Biden the winner. Since then, the MSM as a whole has been repeating that the AP called it despite the fact that the media does not call elections, the electoral colleges do.

Even as new evidence of fraud continues to pour in and new lawsuits are being filed over election fraud, the Democrats are still smugly proclaiming victory. Biden is appointing his new staff and Kamala Harris is rubbing her hands, eager to seize power.

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Now the Democrats have the gall to say to us, “It’s time to heal.” By which they mean, ‘it’s time for Trump supporters to come to heel.’

“Let’s come together,” they say. “Let the nation heal,” they say.

After four years of bald-faced lies, verbal abuse, lawfare, malicious prosecutions, violence, arson, and even the murder of Trump supporters in the streets – we are not anywhere near ready to “heal.” We know full well that coming together to the Left means succumbing to their narrative, submitting to their ideals, and obeying their morbidly obtuse rules.

Even as the evidence of abuse builds far beyond deniable proportions, as millions of Trump voters become convinced that they were robbed of their votes, as the Make America Great Again movement is rightly outraged – no cities have burned. No Biden supporters have been murdered in the streets. No roadways have been blocked by pro-Trump demonstrators.

The fact is, we are better than them. We do not resort to violence. We only stand prepared to defend ourselves. We will continue to fight for Trump because he has fought tirelessly for us. And we will not forget the violence, the hatred, and the lies of the Left. Not now. Not ever.

Featured Image by Montecruz Foto

20 thoughts on “No, It is Not Time to Heal: A Message to the Sanctimonious Left”

  1. As a rabid Conservative, I am disgusted when I read remarks like “a time for healing”. Healing from what? Prosperity? No-nonsense leadership? A President who REALLY cares for the United States? When I learned that the fool had actually won the election, I seriously considered moving to Canada!

    1. We need true patriots to defend the republic, not panzees who claim theyre proud Americans! Already have the democratic party for that! Go ahead and leave

    2. Do you really think Biden won the election? He did not win anything it was stolen from us, the people of America, and all we can do is talk, talk, talk. Talking is cheap it takes a lot more than talk to get things done, like instead of running
      stop and take a stand, fight for what is right. We the people who believe in freedom need not turn tail and run but turn to the enemies and fight because we are more and stronger than them. Running from a problem never solves
      it, but facing it and solving it gets rid of it. Sorry that our nation has become a nation of cowards, no fight left, ready to die, sad, sad, sad. To contact me my email [email protected]

      1. I agree with all you said. I myself am a combat veteran from the Vietnam era. I did not serve and fight for thi country to see it become a Socialist state. I have been to a Socialist communist country and city, I can tell you for a fact that socialism does not work for very long if at all! Being an old man, I can’t take the battle to them but they will take my guns and bibkes when they pry them from my cold dead hands! If and when they come, they better bring a good supply of body bags!!

    3. Nancy Friss-the China Joe who “won” the election was by stuffing the ballot box. Trump should have won, but Soros, Obama and others for some reason wanted China Joe to “win”. You look at Trumps meetings vs China Joes . There was SRO at Trumps and China Joe only had staffers show up. God IS in control and we just need to rely on God to take care of his people. We’re in the back seat, God is IN the driver’s seat.

  2. I will not accept that biden won until the total vote has been audited in full,and a proper investigation has been completed.

    1. George, I agree with you. Im so dissapointed in the party. We say we are not like them . They, democratic party, will do anything to win, as we have seen their bawldfaced corruption and they flaunt it like saying, and what you going to do about it,? Republicans will be forced to take up arms snd then we will see true patriots come out.

    2. That is my sentiment exactly. I am with the rest of the Patriots. My husband, dad, brother, grandfather, and uncles did not serve to give America away to other countries. When Patriots speak, I am ready at assisting my to help.

  3. I will never accept biden for anything a
    nd once he’s in, there will never be a proper investigation into any demonrat

  4. Now its time 2 treat them the way they’ve treated Trumpers, minus the violence. We’ll reserve that as left a leftist trait.

  5. I think that when Biden had his hair implant done, the needle may have gone too deep and punctuated his brain. maybe this would explain his “off the wall” decisions as of late. Surely there is NO other explanation for the lack of common sense.

  6. President Trump is the best President we have had for decades mainly because he is a businessman not a politician!! Time to heal my ass, what they are proposing will tear this country apart even more and place the heaviest part of the burden on the backs of our middle class. I believe the democrats are in league with an elite cabal of very wealthy people who want a new world order. What is happening here is happening globally! Biden is in league with China and he is financially indebted to them for millions if not billions due to his son Hunter! It boils down to this, we are headed to become a socialist state if we don’t put our foot down and say NO, WE WILL NOT SUCCUMB TO SOCIALIST IDEOLOGIES AND GET THOSE WHO ARE SOCIALISTS OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT!! After Dec. 20 when the electoral votes are cast and declared, and if it turns out Biden actually wins, we should press our governors to call far a convention of states under Article 5 of the constitution making the federal government bill and void! It only takes 34 states to hold the convention whereas, it takes 38 states to ratify an amendment. Think about it!!!

    1. William, that is a very good idea. Why isn’t anyone in senate or congress picking up on this idea and lets get started.

  7. They need to do a brain scan on him, first of all to see if he actually has a brain and secondly to see if he has another aneurism since he already had 2 of them repaired


  9. As my native American ancestors say “they speak with forked tongue” You can always tell they’re telling their lies because their lips are moving

  10. I pray God intervenes on our behalf. Republicans don’t burn and destroy when things don’t go out way. We aren’t in charge of this mess. All we can do is pray and I mean BEG GOD to get rid of the EVIL THAT THREATENS OUR NATION. President Trump IS the BEST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIMES. THE LEFT can’t handle it. They are an evil sewer, not a swamp. May God Help Sydney Powell and Trump’s Legal Team to fight this FRAUD.

  11. The time to heal came after the Obama administration turned people against the very ones we look to for the safety of our loved ones and ourselves, the shoddy treatment of our glorious military, the world apology tour touting how bad we are, the billions given to Iran for what exactly? Nothing! Spying on A presidential candidate, President elect, President, his family and associates. Using gov agencies for their personal agendas, costing taxpayers millions for trumped up investigations and on and on and on! This President healed a lot of the damages done by Obama and crew. Benghazi was as pathetic as it gets! Some things can not be healed dems!

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