Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, neocons have been drooling over the possibility of yet another war that involves the United States and they have continued to push America closer and closer to a World War.
Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney, the daughter of Dick Cheney – ex Vice President of the U.S, who balked America into a war with Iraq that lasted two decades at a huge cost to Americans – said that there should be a “red line” for the Russian-Ukrainian war, that would see the United States intervening.
Cheney argued that the “red line” she wants, should absolutely be the use of chemical weapons against the Ukrainian people by Russia – ironic considering the U.S has been busted funding biological laboratories that research and develop biological and chemical weapons, that are located right next to Russia’s border with Ukraine.
The Rep. showed her love of war, during an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd, when she insisted on this “red line,” totally ignoring the efforts at least being attempted by the Biden administration, who do not want to have a direct hand in the war, as doing so could and probably would, trigger World War III.
“I think that we in the West, the United States and NATO – we need to stop telling the Russians what we won’t do,” she said. “We need to be very clear that we are considering all options, that the use of chemical weapons is certainly something that would alter our calculations.”
Linda Thomas-Greenfield, from Washington’s United Nations, said that the United States would “respond aggressively” to the use of chemical weapons, but didn’t go as far to say that armed intervention would be involved if that happened.
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, warned that any involvement could spark a much larger, deadlier war.
Stoltenberg argued that “any use of chemical weapons would be a blatant and brutal violation of international law,” he added: “we need to act in a way that prevents this conflict” from becoming “a full fledged war between NATO and Russia in Europe, and also potentially involving, of course, the United States directly.”
Meanwhile, Moscow is demanding answers about the involvement of the Ukraine government in having a Pentagon-backed bioweapons program in Ukraine.
Despite the Russian military producing evidence of such activity, which outlined the weapons program, including research into infecting wild birds that migrate into Russia from Ukraine, with a virus.
Thomas-Greenfield, however, told the UN Security Council that foreign bioweapon initiatives were not supported by Washington. The White House instead keeps hinting that Russia will stage a “false flag” attack using chemical and biological weapons.
The White House made similar claims in February, stating that the Russians would release a “fake video” of an attack by Ukraine that would lay the foundation for an invasion.
The video never happened, instead, the Russians sent in troops, and Putin said the purpose was to “demilitarize” and “denazify” Ukraine, demanding that the country declare itself neutral and make a promise to never join NATO.
Ukraine denied that they had been trying to take back republics by force and insisted that the Russian invasion was completely unprovoked.
The fact that Ukraine is harboring U.S-backed bioweapons labs, however, would speak to the contrary.
It’s idiots like Liz Cheney that cower behind a desk, but have no problem sending your son’s or daughters into harms way. I honestly feel for and hope Ukraine wins this conflict. But they are not nor have ever been a member of NATO. And like the Leage of Nations before it has become corrupted and highly bureaucratic! Send humanitarian aid, even weaponry yes but not that no fly zone crap putting the U.S. and NATO into direct conflict with Russia. The thing that really strikes me as inefficiency and misappropriation of U.S. Citizens tax money is the fact that we allocated like 13.6 billion dollars to Ukraine when we have hungry and homeless children on the streets as well as veterans of our armed services. WHAT ABOUT THEM? Warmongers be very careful what you wish for, ya might just get it! WW-2 killed millions and millions. WW-3 is liable to kill Billions. Choose Carefully! Semper Fi
Dementia biden needs to be impeached.
I am an 88 year old retired Veteran, and have fought in three wars/contingencies that were caused by greed for more land and wealth. I have seen the dead, the mutilated, the rottening of humans, the living but ultra-severly wounded or injured men and women who had fought for what they believed proper for their country. After the smoke had cleared and the real reasons for the conflict to have occurred, it was greed for land, wealth for many who never fought, and personal desires to “Rule the World or Country” by politicians and/or military leaders. When men fight in a war, being loyal to their country, they participate believing that they are going to win – no matter what happens. We American citizens have never fought in a war where deadly chemicals, gasseous materials and radiation can be so quickly and easily used by opposing Nations as the “last resort.” Lessons from the detonation of the two nuclear bombs over Japan should have taught the entire world the extreme dangers of being exposed to nuclear explosions. Apparently, it didn’t. Now there are several Nations that possess nuclear explosives, chemicals and certain gasses, and tend to threaten each other with these things. Starting another world war would only result in perhaps millions of death. Who would really profit by another world war? In my opinion, not a DAMNED SOUL! It is most likely that the air, water, and land everywhere on the entire planet would be so contaminated nothing would or could survive. Most leaders of countries possessing those deadly measures above advocate they would use such weapons only as a last means of endurance, but what happpens if one or more of the leaders decides to strike first? It would most likely be the beginning of the end of our world. WHY???
Right om!!! I’ve been there too and seen what happened with my own eyed what havoc World War brings to this world, nothing good. If we don’t learn from our mistakes, we will sure repeat them and suffer the same results. Famine, pestilence and death surely will follow. Is that something to treasure? I doubt it.
Russia’s role from the first has been the villain in a professional wrestling match. At the meeting with Xi Jinping during the Genocide Games that was arranged by Schwab and Soros, Putin was promised that Russia’s debts would be paid by the Chicoms and that a permanent market for Russian resources would be provided by the Red China that would displace a collapsed United States. A reserve currency based on the ruble and the yuan would reduce the American republic to the economic, political and social level of the Central African Republic, and the globalists would thereafter no longer have to worry about an America mired in poverty, chained in dictatorship and convulsed by civil war, which was in any case being systematically depopulated by Gates and repopulated by an imported brown Third Word lumpenproletariat.
If World War 3 starts in the Ukraine,we have a very corrupt week President that would take millions of dollars from Russia and sit on his hands and let us lose the war, he has no love of country because he is in it for himself.He is a corrupt person,he and his family have taken millions of dollars from foreign governments and selling us out year after year after year.We can’t trust him to lead us into World War 3 because he might take money from Russia to set on hands and do nothing. The First World War and the Second World Wars the Democrats were in control, like it is now !!!
Thank you Sir!