The power-hungry liberals pulling Joe Biden’s strings have history on their side. Presidents do not usually lose elections during a time of war, largely because voters fear an abrupt change in leadership will cost America’s sons and daughters their lives.
In recent memory, only Pres. Lyndon Baines Johnson, aka LBJ, lost a White House bid after succeeding the assassinated JFK. It appears Biden’s handlers know their history well, and they are willing to spill blood in Ukraine and take us into war with Russia to maintain their stranglehold on power.
Democrats have long been the party of warmongering, and their willingness to kill innocent civilians proves shocking. Disgraced ex-Pres. Bill Clinton conveniently attacked rival nations to distract from the relentless scandals in the White House. In 1998, Clinton was besieged by scandals involving his extramarital affair with Monica Lewinsky. Along with strategies such as lying that “I did not have sexual relations with that woman,” Clinton ordered a Persian Gulf War 2.0.
“Earlier today, I ordered America’s armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors,” Clinton reportedly said at the time. “Saddam Hussein must not be allowed to threaten his neighbors or the world with nuclear arms, poison gas or biological weapons.”
Weapons of mass destruction? Sounds familiar.
Protecting the world from the boogieman is a narrative Democrats sell. Al Gore gave us the apocalyptic Global Warming, and liberals have parlayed that end of days prophecy into billions of campaign dollars and re-election. These days, we call it “Climate Change.” These terrifying narratives drive votes — mainly from the weak-minded — and that may be why the Biden Administration baited Russia into invading Ukraine in the first place.
Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin was clear about his position regarding Ukraine. Admitting the Russian-leaning nation into NATO presented a national security threat he could not allow.
“Let’s imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member, it is fully packed of weapons, it gets advanced attack means like those in Poland and Romania, and it starts an operation in Crimea,” Putin reportedly said. “Let’s imagine that Ukraine is a NATO member state, and it initiates a military operation. What should we do then, fight against the NATO bloc? Did anyone think at least something about that? Apparently not.”
If you place Biden’s pre-written talking point with Putin under strict scrutiny, it appears he was deliberately inviting an invasion. Stating NATO membership was open to Ukraine, Biden then opened the door to war. The Russian strongman’s probing of the doddering occupant of the White House yielded the intel he needed. Biden asserted the U.S. response would be “sanctions,” a laughable consequence for protecting Russia’s borders and expanding its global footprint.
What’s truly frightening is that Biden’s approval ratings actually ticked up since the invasion of Ukraine. The establishment media continues to falsely prop up his leadership image and distance the White House from surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban. Fake news outlets back this re-imaging effort by running outlandish reports that imply the Russian Army is losing to Ukraine’s citizen-soldiers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ukraine’s cities are falling, and Russian soldiers have secured vast tracks of land despite the bravery of Ukrainians.
In a matter of weeks, perhaps months, Ukrainians will be learning to speak Russian, and Biden will look like a weakling all over again. That is, unless the war can be expanded and dragged on long enough for him to be seen as a commander-in-chief and not the surrender-in-chief that failed in the Middle East.
Everyday Americans would be well-served to monitor what Russian strongman Vladimir Putin is saying. He’s warned NATO members, including the U.S., that intervening with a no-fly zone or launching military planes from EU airfields constitutes an act of war. He’s not a “talker” like Biden’s cronies, especially Sec. of State Anthony Blinken.
Poland — a NATO member — recently indicated it would send fighter planes to Ukraine. Sec. Blinken has already gone on the record stating the Biden Administration will replace those military aircraft, setting up an air force supply chain that may be seen as crossing the line into an act of war.
“In fact, we’re talking with our Polish friends right now about what we might be able to do to backfill their needs if, in fact, they choose to provide these fighter jets to the Ukrainians,” Blinken reportedly said. “What can we do? How can we help to make sure that they get something to backfill the planes that they are handing over to the Ukrainians?”
Biden’s handlers understand they have virtually no hope of winning the 2024 elections, regardless of whether former Pres. Donald J. Trump or another viable GOP candidate runs. Escalating war and a false narrative an American president is protecting the world from the boogieman, now that could work. And they know it.
If it goes nuclear the democrats can forget all about controling anything they can try to control the dead but all of these fools will become crispy critters
Biden will not remain in office he will be impeached with Harris
A nice thought, but with all the lies and offences why has that not been initiated. Is it because who would take office is worse?
From your lips to God’s ear . But you still have the likes of Pelosi , Schumer Schiff and other leftist idiots to contend with . All as sick , crazy and power hungry as Biden
I think Pelosi may be next in line?
President Pelosi? Don’t gag.
Maybe the Dumbocrats would try to run “Dr. Jill”
We all wish that, but not until Demoncrats are in the MINORITY,.
The left wing propaganda news is the enemy of free people!!!!!
We As Americans Have No Faith That Biden Has A Clue ln Hell. Idiots Advising Other Idiots Do Not lnspire Us. Biden ls Consumed With Covering His Ass And Will Sacrifice All Of Us To Advance His End Game
Well said
You are correct because we cannot trust them anymore. They are sooo biased, corrupt and the agents of our enemies. Even the Holywood shows are their propaganda agents also, especially the View, with the idiot puppets spitting misinformation and their bias.
The Population control they wanted to have happen with Covid-19 Failed, so the Globalist, economist, and Open Society Groups have now turned to their second favorite tool ” WAR” Biden is so clueless he doesn’t either understand what happened in 2014. The Obama Administration ( With the backing of the above groups ) installed the present government in the Ukraine, then using the funding to the NIH, set up Bio-labs in China,and it appears now in the Ukraine also. ( Remember Fauci’s grant was for $1.2 Billion of which Wuhan received $ 600 million , did the rest go to set up the labs in the Ukraine? We may never know as they tend to hide, destroy, and Deny anything that does not fit their Narritve !
The stupidest people in this country are at the Whitehouse. I never thought I’d see or hear so many stupid people in America directly in one place. You can tell when they lie they talk and it’s all trash.. They do not represent the majority of the real American people.
We are not going to have world war 3 with Ukraine and Russia. World war 3 is foretold in bible scriptures and is going to be brought by Christ himself with all his holy angels and saints as it tells us in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 19. Anything else is just small wars and saber rattling
It’s all a JOKE to foment chaos Russia could end it in a matter of hours, but it’s being dragged out to instill world fear.
I’d sooner trust Putin than that scumbag Biden. It’s not Putin who’s responsible for skyrocketing inflation, the stopping of domestic oil production and the stolen 2020 presidential election.
This so called war could be resolved very quickly if there was an Administration with BALLS quite certain ,Putin strength is because of US and NATO”S weakness. If the acceptance of Poland’s MIGs and piloted by Ukraine pilots would show Putin the World is not afraid. A bully is only strong until stood up to, Ukraine is or has been though unsuccessfully holding strong . Just think how well they could do with some support. NATO and the US are or were to support DEMOCRACY are here is a case of a lost opportunity. With friends like the US and NATO don’t think Ukraine needs anymore
I believe Biden and his puppeteers will do anything , including starting a war to shift attention away from how badly he’s botched everything up. He has failed everything he has done up to this point, and he’ll fail at starting a war as well. He’s a loser. He’ll be impeached before his term ends.
Yes he will be but at what cost how many peoples lives will be lost and ruined by Biden and his disastrous administration
The whole commierat swamp should be deported on a ONE WAY trip to Ukraine and then die in a Russian attack!!
Ukraine was Joe and Hunters pot of gold and they medaled in the politics there until they pissed Putin off . Ilegitiment clownshow Joe Biden is a corrupt POS and needs removed from office along with his Kamal toe Ho and that drunk bitch Pelosi . A rope and a tree would serve the American people well for all 3 .
Biden & his crew are nuts for sure. How do they feel ANYONE could possibly benefit from a nuclear holocost? It would destroy America faster than he and his cronies destroying it, along with everything & everyone else.