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Hunter Biden Under Surveillance For His Involvement With Top Chinese Spy

It may – or probably may not – surprise you, that Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is under surveillance for his connections to a “top spy chief” from China.

Hunter Biden has an obvious history of crack addiction and a proclivity for debauchery and given his lack of morals, it was probably a natural move to sell out his own country to do back-door deals with the Communist Chinese Party (CCP) and its associates.

Paul Sperry, a journalist from, reported that a source that works within the U.S intelligence community, informed him that Hunter is being monitored by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), as concerns grow about his ties to the CCP.

Thanks to Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell” being exposed by a computer repairman after Hunter abandoned it, in October 2020, it was exposed that there had been leaked audio of Hunter Biden saying he represented “the fucking spy chief of China” Patrick Ho.

Patrick Ho also started a company with a “partner” of Hunter Biden, named Che Feng and the abandoned laptop further revealed that Joe Biden’s brother Jim was also involved and had sent bank wiring instructions to Ho in 2018.

Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of Hunter, blew the whistle on Hunter and the Biden family’s Chinese business deals as recently as 2020.

According to Sperry, the US counterespionage officials who are allegedly investigating Hunter, are the most concerned with his communications with members of the US Committee on Foreign Investment.

A deal was approved by the US Committee on Foreign Investment in 2015, which sold an American auto parts manufacturer to a Chinese firm – likely owned by the CCP.

He wrote, “US counterespionage officials investigating alleged contacts between Hunter Biden and members of CFIUS during the Chinese takeover of a US firm making automotive parts w/ dual-use technologies. CFIUS approved the sensitive 2015 deal, which had national security implications.”

“Sources say FBI/DOJ have wiretaps of comms b/t Hunter, Jimmy Biden and their Chinese nat’l business partner Chi Ping Patrick Ho, aka He Zhiping, obtained from FISA warrants. Fearing CEFC ties to ChiCom mil intel, Hunter has been monitored as subject of C.I./FARA probe since 2018,” he wrote.

When the “laptop from hell” was exposed in October 2020, the mainstream media scrambled to peddle it as a lie and there were not many reports about the activities of Hunter Biden that were found on the laptop, which included drug taking – vast amounts of crack cocaine – and a prolific sex addiction, the laptop contained footage of sexual encounters with various women and prostitutes and also hinted that there may have been an incestuous relationship between Hunter and his niece – the daughter of his late brother Beau.

Among the emails on Hunter’s laptop, was communication between Hunter and business associates and included emails about Joe Biden getting his cut of the deals.

Speaking on the Senate floor, Sen. Johnson accused the press and Democrat politicians of attacking the Hunter laptop story in order to “cover up the extent to which President Biden might be – and almost certainly is – compromised.”

20 thoughts on “Hunter Biden Under Surveillance For His Involvement With Top Chinese Spy”

  1. The media use to have a small fraction of credibility, but they have thrown that away now and are all known as FAKE NEWS outlets . Democrat propaganda machines that are now irrelevant in the eyes of truth seeking Americans .

  2. Why is Hunter out walking the streets? He belongs in prison for selling the country out. We need to impeach the big guy as well.

    1. Absolutely, oh wait ,there immune from any repercussions because there Demorats!!

    1. Yeah,Ole clown Biden is a crook for sure,but nothing will be done ! The leftist democrats used false information to humiliate the former president,but won’t admit known fact about Clown Biden ! When will true honest justice prevail ?

  3. Okay, so let’s look at this from another angle. Do you honestly think that the DOJ or FBI, who is controlled by Let’s Go Brandon, is gong to allow them to monitor his son and at the same time being implicated in some nasty CCP scheme? By letting this info, which surely this ‘source’ knew it would be made public, therefore putting Biden, his son, his relatives all on notice that they were being monitored. Now, for all intent and purpose, they will all be on their best behavior with a final report (if true) that there is nothing going on. Really?!! I call this just another tactic by the powers that be to quash all these rumors about all of them. A good reporter would go further and deeper into the allegations of this ‘source’ to find out just what this monitoring would prove. IMO this piece is nothing short of propaganda.

  4. Some sheriff in USA, should create a fund (go fund me ?) and put out a warrant for traitor Joe biden.
    (just like in the 1880’s) and the ” internet poster” proclaims: Wanted: dead or alive-criminal Joe Biden

    “One Million dollars in gold

  5. Vote. Trump. In November. Please. Get. These bastards out of office. Now. Bl

  6. If you want your vote to count, vote in person. Mail in ballots and drop boxes are the easiest route to voter fraud. It’s how we got FJB in office.

  7. There certainly appears to be much more impeachable evidence against the Jackass in Chief Biden then there ever was to back up the trumped up evidence to impeach Trump. Were is the moral integrity of our Legislature that there has not even been a discussion about impeaching our Jackas in Chief brought to the floor? Shame on the Republicans as well as the Democrats for not even addressing the situation! The poor excuse by the Republicans to wait until after the mid term elections has worn thin. They need to put their big boy pants on and bring it to the floor daily until the Democrats and their accomplices in mass media have no juice but to impeach Biden as well as Harris, Pelosi and Schumer.


  9. Of course, he is, don’t you see how his policies like selling your American reserve oil to China, getting paid for that oil from Chinese labor camps profits, this is his energy policy for helping at the pump as promised? Hurt America, hurt the unborn, best president ever?repeat the line, what a jerk. Look at the pot of gold Hunter and the bidens’ are enjoying from China.

  10. So long as Biden is in office, nothing will be done about all the lies and fraud committed by the Biden family. We have no choice but to wait until November – you MUST vote! I’m guessing the Dems will try every trick up their sleeves to count (and count again) mail-in ballots. Why not, it worked for them in 2020, it’ll assuredly work again, eh? If the GOP doesn’t make sure there are true conservatives manning all the voting polls in November, we’re screwed. Mail-in ballots are fine for handicapped/elderly and confined people only, otherwise, you must provide ID, have your signature verified and vote IN PERSON. That should be the law across the country. The Dems are great at cheating and lying. We must be prepared for this in November. End of story!

  11. this whole family should be in question, however all they want is TRUMP out of the way, because he is not part of the corruption that is deep rooted among many in Washington. AND AND A CABAL, COVER AND GET RICH BY SELLING US ALL OUT. FILTH AMONG THEM, AND GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THEIR END.. NOT an earthly judge.. because some are also bought off by dirty lucre. this is my opinion, and my thoughts. IF I’M STILL FREE TO OPINE.

  12. The whole family is EVIL and corrupt. I think Joe thinks he can do anything he wants because he’s Catholic, but he is going to have a surprise coming soon. I have seen quite a bit of the minister’s that are getting the visions from God, and it is NOT going to be a pretty picture. Joe deserves whatever God gives him and the rest of the family also.
    I have seen quite a bit of Hunter’s computer video, and it is disgusting, the Chinese offered him a 10 yr. old little girl to have sex with, so now his dad is paying them off with our oil. I also saw him get out of bed with someone eles’s daughter, I won’t mention the name. They had done Cocaine first.

  13. I would like to know WHY we keep getting small snippets of info off this laptop, just expose the whole laptop out to the Public? This petty slow bleed of information is doing nothing. The timing of these releases of information seems to coincide with Jan 6th info and this is tit for tat whinning

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