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EXPOSED: The Biden Regime Is Attempting to Accomplish Annual CCP Virus “Vaccines” (the More Doses Issued, the More Biden Gains in PROFITS in University “Vaccine” Account That GETS PAID for “Vaccine” Approvals and Usage); Big Pharma PAYS HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to Biden’s FDA to “Approve” Their “Vaccines” (How Much of a Cut Is Biden Getting From That?)

A bombshell has hit with the release of a new video from Project Veritas, that shows a conversation between an undercover reporter and Christopher Cole, Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

According to Cole, the Biden administration is working to mandate vaccines for children, and a mission to “inoculate as many people as possible.”

“You’ll have to get an annual shot,” said Christopher Cole, Executive Officer of Countermeasures Initiative for the Food and Drug Administration. “I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet because they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.”

“The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products. If they (Big Pharma) can get every person required (to get) an annual vaccine that is a recurring return of money going into their company,” Cole explained.

Cole claimed to have over 20 years experience with the FDA and the approval process.

The FDA released a statement, saying “The person purportedly in the video does not work on vaccine matters and does not represent the views of the FDA.”

“I mean, there’s going to be— some of it’s been talked about publicly, but it hasn’t been talked about on CNN or Fox or MSNBC or anything,” Cole said. “But yeah, it’ll be you’ll have to get an annual. I think what’s gonna happen is it’s gonna be a gradual thing, schools are gonna mandate it.”

Cole defended the shot, saying that “It means your ability to fight wanes, so the three will bolster your system. And then there’ll be an annual eventually, just like the flu shot.” He said this would be “for everyone.”

“The FDA was scheduled to meet this week to discuss approval of the Pfizer vaccine for children as young as six months old,” O’Keefe reported. “They were hoping to have the new vaccine available by the end of the month. But the meeting was unexpectedly canceled, citing the need for more testing.”

“I don’t completely agree with their process,” Cole told the undercover Project Veritas reporter. “They’re looking at trying to inoculate kids under five years old. Between six months and five years old.”

“What do you mean you don’t agree with the process?” He was asked.

“Well, I mean, they don’t have all the tests there. So I agree with the thing that it isn’t important to inoculate them but you can’t give the parents as much assurity as you’d normally want to.”

Unsurprisingly, Biden is pocketing money from the covid vax, according to a report from National File’s Senior Reporter, Patrick Howley.

Documents obtained by Howley, showed that the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn), which hosts and funds the “Penn Biden Center,” a think tank dedicated to Joe Biden, profits directly from the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaxxes.

UPenn is also home to, the organization used by big tech to “regulate” AKA censor any speech that goes against the agenda.

Howley discussed the bombshell findings with Stew Peters, host of “The Stew Peters Show.”

“They get milestone payments the more of these Pfizer BioNtech vaccines that get sold,” Howley told Peters. “The more money that floods into the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Pennsylvania General Funds go and finance the Penn Biden Center which is Joe Biden’s think-tank.”

It was already admitted by the University of Pennsylvania in December 2020, that licensed UPenn technology, was being used by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech in their respective covid vaxxes.

Joe Biden, who was working with UPenn when the deal was made, made more than $900,000 in the two years prior to running for president.

“The Penn Biden Center is very similar to the Clinton Foundation. It’s one of these outside groups where Biden Administration people go in and out,” Howley told Peters. He pointed out that Anthony Blinken — Biden’s current Secretary of State — previously served as managing director of the Penn Biden Center. “Between 2017 and 2019, Joe Biden’s job essentially was working for the University of Pennsylvania,” Howley continued.

UPenn then signed a licensing agreement with BioNtech. “What happens is…. they get milestone payments. The more of these Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines that get sold, the more money that floods into the University of Pennsylvania. And the University of Pennsylvania general funds go and fund the Penn Biden center.”

According to Howley’s evidence, UPenn receives a milestone payment every time the FDA approves a vaccine. “Now, they already knew that they sent a kid to the emergency room in one of the clinical trials the last time around,” Howley told Peters. “But they approved it for kids as young as five-years-old.”

“The only purveyors mis-and-disinformation are those that stand behind the presidential pulpit,” Stew told Howley. “People like Jen Psaki and Joe Biden; those are the dangerous purveyors of deadly mis-and-disinformation, and they are the ones that are really domestic terrorists and should be put on a watch list.”

“This is criminal!” Peters continued. “Will this ever be investigated – who can investigate this, if not the feds?”

10 thoughts on “EXPOSED: The Biden Regime Is Attempting to Accomplish Annual CCP Virus “Vaccines” (the More Doses Issued, the More Biden Gains in PROFITS in University “Vaccine” Account That GETS PAID for “Vaccine” Approvals and Usage); Big Pharma PAYS HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to Biden’s FDA to “Approve” Their “Vaccines” (How Much of a Cut Is Biden Getting From That?)”

      1. What an idiot is there anything that Joe Biden can do right. It’s a sad day when if the president didn’t nothing it would be better than him doing anything. Most recent idiotic plan is to lower gas tax who’s to say that they’re not going to just raise the price of gas. What’s next is Joey going to beg OPEC not to raise gas prices.

  1. he cant be too stupid. he has more money than most Americans will ever see in their lifetime, if all our incomes were combined!!! he should be immediately removed from office. what ever means necessary. I don’t care how. this man is a joke. he represents all that America hates. greed, malice, treason, liars, child molesters, illegal drug use, abortion, queers, the list is endless. no wonder he wants every person jabbed. the saying the more the merrier sure fits this POS>. he has more reasons to be tried for treason than any other person in history, yet the demon rat party looks the other way. how can anyone be that power hungry that they could overlook his actions? that is a sickness that most everyone in the demon rat party acquires when they get a taste of the enormous amounts of money they can harvest as a politician. you didn’t see Joey bribem give his paycheck back to the country, did you??? I hope all you fools who voted for this abject failure are happy. your kids and grandkids are being sexually assaulted in SCHOOLS. look at the reading material they are subjected to. the news yesterday had graphic pictures in a book in middle school of two boys engaging in ORAL SEX. is that how you democrats think? your kids should be queers by the time they hit school age???? I am sick to think this is how this great country has been ruined by the likes of democrats and liberals. you can thank Obama for the QUEERS. THE TRANSVESTITES. HE IS MARRIED TO A TRANSGENDER MAN. look up MICHAEL LAVON ROBINSON. THAT WAS MICHELE BEFORE ‘HER’ TRANS CHANGE. READ ALL ABOUT THE FIRST QUEER PRESIDENT AND TRANSEXUAL FIRST “LADY”. AND KNOW IF YOU VOTED DEMOCRAT, IT IS YOUR FAULT.

    1. If there was an “applause” emoji here, I would click it until my fingers were sore. Touche’.

    2. Well said! Amazing how ignorant and apathetic people can be. Prior to gay Obama, other new world order presidents (clinton, bush sr,, and bush jr) were at least more subtle about their nwo agendas and sexual proclivities, but Obama really brought things out into the open and started the blatant arrogance toward the American people. Biden has taken it to the next level and is basically saying FU to the American People. Most of the American people are not yet aware that Obama was a homosexual and that Michelle (Michael) was a transvestite, because they lied to the American People and tried to make everyone think they were just a normal married couple with two children (which were not theirs).

      1. I believe at least one of the children IS his. She looks exactly like him with his ugly face. Poor girl!

    3. Not just Joe! But every democrats and Republicans who has purchased stock in these pharmaceutical companies! As long as they push these lies, they make money on their share! Can bet these liberals running our public school doing the same! “GAIN BY KILLING”!

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