The Department of Homeland Security, who recently formed the Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz – has been put on “pause” due to the backlash it caused with Republicans.
It was formed to “fight” the alleged disinformation and misinformation online and on social media platforms, basically a government agency that was looking to censor anyone with dissenting voices.
The Disinformation Governance Board was dubbed the “Ministry of Truth” a stab at the similarities between what the Biden administration was doing and the book by George Orwell, “1984.”
“1984” is the story of a dystopian future where the government has complete control over all aspects of their citizens’ lives, and they use mass psychosis to keep the population believing their propaganda.
Jankowicz even held up the book on camera in reference to the nearly formed agency – something that should sit uncomfortably with any American who values their free speech.
At the news that the Disinformation Governance Board was being put on “pause,” Jankowicz drafted her resignation letter and later it was confirmed that she had resigned.
The DHS said that she was offered a chance to stay within the department, defending her statement made to The Washington Post.
Breitbart News reported:
The Biden Administration is now trying to paint Jankowicz as a victim after journalists questioned her role citing a host of questionable positions on freedom of speech and government censorship as well as cringeworthy Tik-Tok videos.
“Nina Jankowicz has been subjected to unjustified and vile personal attacks and physical threats,” a DHS spokesperson said in a statement.
“These smears leveled by bad-faith, right-wing actors against a deeply qualified expert and against efforts to better combat human smuggling and domestic terrorism are disgusting,” deputy White House press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.
Jankowicz was told by DHS officials to stay silent about her role in the department after she tried to defend a statement she made on Twitter about Hunter Biden.
It is likely that later this year, Republicans will take back the House or Senate or both. This would make Jankowicz more likely to be questioned – under oath – about the agency and her role on the disinformation board.
The DHS appeared to concede the fight to save Jankowicz was over behind the scenes but indicated they would look for other ways to combat “misinformation.”
“We’re going to need another Nina down the road,” a DHS staffer said anonymously to The Washington Post. “And anyone who takes that position is going to be vulnerable to a disinformation campaign or attack.”
Only tyrants want to silence free speech and the forming of the disinformation board likely has very little to do with protecting Americans. It was formed to allow the government to work against the American people.
The Democrats don’t want a disinformation board . They want another means to silence the opposition ! This is a play right out of the communist playbook . Hitler sent the brown shirts and SS to silence people . Who will Joe send to silence Americans ?
He’s using Mayorkas starting with deeming parents who don’t want their 5 year olds told they’re gueer, not the sex they are, how to masterbate, oral sex, CRT etc as domestic terrorists. We better pray hard republicans take back house & senate so we can impeach both the Demented Stupid SOB and Heels up. Piglosi will be gone. No on McCarthy as speaker. We need someone like Jim Jordan.
mzaz, #epeindidn’tkillhimself, I do not believe he is dead, our government could not let him implicate the hole in DC called the swamp. Dems, Repubs and Indeps, all had some dealings with ole Jef.
I believe they had better bring a BIG sack lunch with them when they come, ’cause we AMERICAN patriots don’t
give in very easily. “Know what I mean, Vern? “