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Data: MORE THAN HALF of COVID Deaths Have Been INCORRECTLY Counted as UNVACCINATED, 100 CDC Test Monkeys BROKE LOOSE and May Have Spread DISEASE; Biden Gives CIA’s EcoHealth (Who Helped Create COVID) $4.7M Grant, EXPOSED: Trader Joes, Whole Foods Use DEADLY POISONS

The United States and Canadian governments have a long track record of lying to their citizens, leading many to disregard what they have to say altogether.

Even so, it can be surprising to see politicians publicly outing themselves as liars, even if the admission is inadvertent.

Such was the case just a few days ago when Alberta’s provincial government published stats showing that more than half of all COVID-19 deaths occurred among vaccinated individuals.

The stats were quickly deleted from the internet, but a savvy internet user grabbed a screenshot before the deletion, clearly showing that Alberta is skewing the stats by counting people as “unvaccinated” until fourteen days after vaccination.

Put simply, people who get a vaccination, get COVID-19, and then die are counted as “unvaccinated” in an effort to instill fear in the population in order to boost vaccination rates.


While the Canadian and American governments alike are doing everything in their power to keep up the narrative that it’s the unvaccinated who are spreading and dying from COVID, the truth is the CDC may have inadvertently become a spreader itself.

A semi-truck carrying about one hundred of its test monkeys crashed on a road in Pennsylvania.

Three monkeys escaped; they have supposedly been caught and euthanized, but since it’s the government giving the information one might want to take it with a grain of salt.

What can be said for sure is that the CDC is now, not surprisingly, monitoring local residents for “cold-like symptoms” in the wake of the crash.


As a growing number of people are openly questioning the government narrative that COVID occurred in nature and wasn’t manufactured in a lab, it’s no surprise that the mainstream media isn’t covering a recent bombshell report showing that the United States government is actually giving more grant money out.

And to who?

Those who may have been directly involved in manufacturing a powerful bioweapon that has killed hundreds of millions of people the world over.

Eco-Health Alliance has just received one of its largest-ever grants from the Biden Administration, netting a nice $4.7 million grant to be used as the agency sees fit.

The grant continues a long-standing pattern as the Pentagon has partnered with EcoHealth Alliance for years before COVID emerged to supposedly conduct research on countering biological weapons.

Not surprisingly, it’s impossible to tell where the money is really going as EcoHealth acts as a “subcontractor,” partnering with agencies the world over to conduct whatever research it pleases.

And government officials meant to supervise EcoHealth Alliance and other similar companies have no incentive to take a second look at what’s really going on behind the scenes, as these same officials typically find employment with the recipients of their grants once they leave public service.


The United States government isn’t the only entity eager to hide what’s really up to. Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods, commonly considered to be stores promoting healthy eating and nutritious foods, have been exposed for using canola oil in an untold number of products.

Given the fact that about 90% of canola crops grown in the United States and Canada are genetically modified, it’s clear that this product is far from healthy or even harmless.

However, it gets worse.

Some studies have indicated that canola oil can cause inflammation and negatively impact heart and brain health.

Canola oil can also cause cancer and interfere with healthy liver and kidney function.

Given all the misinformation going around these days, one would do well to carefully research any statements made by a government official or big business spokesperson.

Things aren’t always as they appear as powerful individuals and entities use their influence to hide the truth from the unsuspecting public.

9 thoughts on “Data: MORE THAN HALF of COVID Deaths Have Been INCORRECTLY Counted as UNVACCINATED, 100 CDC Test Monkeys BROKE LOOSE and May Have Spread DISEASE; Biden Gives CIA’s EcoHealth (Who Helped Create COVID) $4.7M Grant, EXPOSED: Trader Joes, Whole Foods Use DEADLY POISONS”

  1. Look like we do have enemies in our governments! Ones who only thing is stealing and gaining wealth from those who have none! Like Dr. Facui, who funds this virus for China. But trying hard to keep it from being told. Going to take the whole world to come together and destroy these people. Or we all will soon be a victim of their.

  2. C’mon man! Fear doesn’t work with low numbers. Even an ingrown toenail can be covid related.

  3. Talk about fu_ck ups. If you happen to get a knock on your front door and the guy says, “I’m with the government and I’m here to help you”, sic your dog on the dirt bag immediately.

    1. and tell him to get off your property and stay off your property. It would be best if you had a weapon to back up your dog.

  4. If the vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting or spreading the virus, in my opinion it is a dangerous failure.

  5. Wouldn’t doubt that in the least. Control driven by the lust for greed n power. Statistics don’t match your liking then manipulate your data. Make it up as you go to fit an evil and twisted agenda. Tell a lie often and long enough and you will always have a segment of society who cannot nor will not think rationally and independently for themselves. It has gotten so bad in the United States and around the world that much of the the citizens of those countries distrust their own government and its many institutions. That sets up division, anger, confusion and fear. A perfect recipe for disaster! The globalists are using the oldest military trick in the book without firing a shot yet. To flank, divide n conquer. We have assumed way to long that our own governments rule overall in our best interests. Not so much anymore. We work chase the almighty dollar and rest n try and enjoy the time we are blessed to just be here. Society though more difficult and harder in the past was much simpler. We dealt with a reality in a much smaller geographical region. Now digital wireless instant communications has given us a much smaller world comparatively. Some of the aspects of that technology is awesome and innovative. In the same sence it can be overwhelming and intensely impersonal in nature. We have been in the process many years now De personalizing the human race as we once knew it. Taking the human right out of being! Nothing wrong with technology in itself but that depends on what we do with it. There is so much dependence on this technology without redundant backup that someday when the grid crashes and burns due to severe CME from our sun to cyberattacks, electro magnetic pulse weapons etc.. The planet will become paralyzed overnight. Throw in also the ever increasing political corruption we are talking about and society as we once knew it will evaporate. Try and prepare contingently and do our best to try and make the world around us a little bit better place. Guess we should stop trying to change the world so much as look in our own mirrors and change what we need to in ourselves. Make our families, neighbors and local community’s better. Cause n effect. Reminds me of a quote from one of our wise forefathers in the U S. “IF MEN ARE NOT RULED BY GOD, THEY WILL BE RULED BY TYRANTS” and “IF WE PREFER DISGRACE TO DANGER. WE ARE PREPPED FOR A MASTER AND DESERVE ONE” 2nd is from Alexander Hamilton. Ok i’m done Rambling now.

  6. Oh forgive me but one last personal thought. We have with our current technology (while it is up and running) collectively with the internet the greatest think tank in human history. But overall we don’t apply that. I am as guilty as the rest sometimes. We put our 2 cents worth for the good or bad and move on! Nobody’s really meaningfully communicating with one another. And with the corruption i was talking about, they try and censor alot of us who try. In passing, think about this for just 1 minute. The People who care way outnumber the evil. Like 1,000 to 1…Out

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