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EXPOSED: China Undermining U.S. Through “ELITE CAPTURE” (They COMPROMISE Our Politicians, Key Figures, Etc. With MONEY, SEX and DRUGS), Presidential Debate Commission Chief Held “OFF-THE-RECORD” MEETINGS With Xi Jinping and the CCP; LEAKED EMAIL: Trump-Backed Congressional Candidate Morgan Ortagus PLEDGES to “FAITHFULLY SERVE THE BIDEN ADMIN”, COVID-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 MUTATIONS (Did Their BODY EMULATE the “VAX” With It Having AIDS in It?)

Nations have long used drugs, sex, and money to compromise elite members of rival nations.

China, it seems, is currently excelling at the practice while American politicians are doing a great job of taking the bait.

While the mainstream media has largely swept the matter under the rug, it’s no secret that Rep. Eric Swalwell, a member of Congress’ Intelligence Committee, had a relationship with a Chinese spy.

It’s also no secret that the Biden regime is keeping information related to the scandal from public eyes, possibly because it would reflect badly on leading Democrats in Congress who covered for Rep. Swalwell before and after the scandal became public.

At the same time, Rep. Swalwell is only one among many politicians who have fallen for China’s wiles.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein defended the Chinese government for years while her husband made a fortune in the communist nation.

“President” Joey’s son Hunter has long had connections with senior Chinese officials who have funded his decadent lifestyle; thereby compromising his father.

A company run by a Chinese operative donated over $1 million to the Clinton Foundation before Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016.

And the list goes on…


Politicians aren’t the only ones who hold power in the United States; thus, they aren’t the only ones the Chinese government have sought to compromise.

It has recently come to light that Kenneth Wollack, a Co-Chair of the Commission of Presidential Debates, had some “off the record” conversations with the U.S.-China High-Level Political Party Leaders Dialogue, an event hosted in partnership with the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

It’s not hard to see why the Chinese would be interested in compromising the Commission of Presidential Debates.

The commission has the power to portray a presidential candidate in either a positive or negative light, as was clearly seen in the 2020 debates between then-President Donald Trump and his opponent, then former VP Joe Biden.


Leaked emails have recently revealed that Morgan Ortagus, whose congressional campaign in Tennessee recently received former President Trump’s endorsement, sent an email in the final days of the Trump administration telling colleagues that she was going “in to faithfully serving the incoming Biden administration.”

Her comment has outraged many of Trump’s supporters, who blame his daughter Ivanka Trump for promoting Ortagus and getting her father to endorse her campaign.

At the same time, they aren’t entirely surprised.

Ortagus was a dedicated member of former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s team, but she wasn’t always loyal to President Trump.

Ortagus worked in Jeb Bush’s campaign in early 2016 and was openly critical of foreign policy statements made by the former president, specifically his comment that Americans should not act as the policemen of the world.


A woman in South Africa who suffers from “poorly controlled” HIV also contracted COVID-19.

To doctors’ shock and horror, they discovered that the COVID virus developed more than twenty mutations in her body.

Medical professionals, who were able to successfully treat the woman with antiretroviral therapy, believe her case gives an insight into how COVID variants may develop.

“This case, like others before, describes a potential pathway for the emergence of novel variants,” the team of scientists said in a statement.

South Africa has the world’s biggest HIV epidemic, as over one in ten of the nation’s citizens battle with the auto-immune deficiency.

At the same time, two COVID variants of concern, Beta and Omicron, were discovered in South Africa.

Perhaps there is a very real connection between the two circumstances.

Or perhaps, as the Democrat Party would say about reports that it is in bed with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), there’s “nothing to see here.”

4 thoughts on “EXPOSED: China Undermining U.S. Through “ELITE CAPTURE” (They COMPROMISE Our Politicians, Key Figures, Etc. With MONEY, SEX and DRUGS), Presidential Debate Commission Chief Held “OFF-THE-RECORD” MEETINGS With Xi Jinping and the CCP; LEAKED EMAIL: Trump-Backed Congressional Candidate Morgan Ortagus PLEDGES to “FAITHFULLY SERVE THE BIDEN ADMIN”, COVID-Infected HIV Patient Developed 21 MUTATIONS (Did Their BODY EMULATE the “VAX” With It Having AIDS in It?)”

  1. What all of these individuals are getting, is if this country falls, those who helped the foreign government, will be the first to hit their demise.

    1. President Trump can waste his endorsement on her if he wants to. He can endorse ANYONE he wants to. We can vote for anyone else we choose. Our President (love him as we may) seems to be a bad judge of character, having hired many in the past to positions where they have failed us. He has, without doing any actual research but depending instead on endorsements from people who are merely a friend of a friend, endorsed candidates who have stabbed him and us in the back. Even his Supreme Court nominees were not vetted as closely as they should’ve been. On this woman…this endorsed candidate…i will vote against her. We won’t be screwed again by my hand. At least not by someone who so openly admitted she will serve the devil.

  2. Why are funds authorized by congress being raped and plundered by the Biden Administration Allows DHS To Siphon Healthcare Services From Veterans To Border Illegals Presently, on an annual basis, Americans are subsidizing the medical care for illegal aliens, crossing our border in droves, to the tune of 18.5 billion dollars. This is not optional, but is rather a forced issue. Taxpayers are literally paying for the care of illegals who wind up detained in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody. Not only are they not citizens, they also have no invested commitment to the USA. This is a nightmare of epic proportion for the US economy. Now it would seem that the Biden Administration is scrambling for resources to pay for the border debacle by shifting funds and resources (doctors and nurses) away from the Veterans Administration to these illegal aliens.

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