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Banking Establishment Works to Seize Control Through Any Means Possible

As the situation worsens in Europe with Russia moving military into Ukraine, the big banks are cutting off Russian banks from using the international systems that facilitate international transactions.

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is the main messaging network that processes financial transactions across the world and the result is Russians flocking to banks and ATMs to withdraw their money as Rubles continue to tank.

Some may applaud such actions, this is just another example of banks getting involved in geopolitics, when they have no right to.

In reality, the only reason everyone uses banking facilities these days is because you’re essentially forced to do so. Checks and cash payments from employers are a thing of the past and this puts people at the mercy of big banking institutions.

Banks have shut down accounts in Canada, after Justin Trudeau and his lackey Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, declared martial law and seized accounts of truckers and protesters who dared defy their tyrannical vax mandates.

This also resulted in Canadians removing their money as quickly as possible from their respective banking providers.

Russian banks being cut from SWIFT, means they cannot transfer any funds, nor receive any from other banks – fueling the speculation that the ruble is about to collapse completely.

Russians allegedly stood in line from as early as 5am for hours, waiting to withdraw their money from ATMs.

“The situation is completely unstable, and sanctions and restrictions on the central bank can only get worse,” said Alexandra Suslina, a budget specialist at the Moscow-based Economic Expert Group. “There’s already a bit of a rush to take money out of ATMs, but no cash machine is designed for the lines that will appear at sanctioned banks.”

Europe has also closed airspace to Russia, which is also causing an issue with bringing in cash flow to the country and it seems the Bank of Russia may have no choice but raise interest rates shortly.

Of course, it’s those who sit at the very top, who are pulling all the strings here and as time goes on and after suffering two years of tyranny through covid mandates and the like, people are now aware that the Globalists – the owners of all the major banking institutions around the world – are the real enemy here.

Through seizing Russian banks and essentially committing acts of war against the Russian people – those who will actually suffer because of this – have completely exposed themselves.

Public trust in the world’s banking systems has all but hit rock bottom and people are finally understanding that a bank is definitely not the safest place to keep your money. They will rob you blind the first chance they get.

In Canada, a single mother had her bank account frozen, after it was found that she had donated $50 to the Canadian Trucker Protests and Convoy.

Deputy PM Freeland, made the powers given to them by themselves – to seize Canadians’ bank accounts – permanent. All in the name of “safety” of course.

The Canadian government doesn’t want free people to care about fighting for their freedoms, careers and friends and family they have lost as a result of forced vaccines and suicide. 

Trudeau and his side kick, Freeland – the granddaughter of a Nazi – worked hand in hand with the Globalist banking establishment to punish dissidents.

Now the Globalists are gunning to destroy the Russian people. The Russian people are no doubt going to suffer the most, all because the Globalists want to punish Putin for not playing their games.

1 thought on “Banking Establishment Works to Seize Control Through Any Means Possible”

  1. Now that Canadians are disarmed, the damn government can do whatever they want: Freezing of bank accounts, confiscating trucks, sicking the police and military on protestors. You can’t revolt, you have no fucking weapons.

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