West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin appears to be a throwback politician determined to engage Republicans on the other side of the aisle and fulfill a campaign promise Joe Biden never intended to keep — unify the country.
The 73-year-old Democrat comes from a humble beginning that, perhaps, offers a worldwide diametrically opposite to the young insurgent socialists taking over his party. He was born and raised in Farmington, West Virginia, a coal-mining town. His grandfather owned a local grocery store, and his father operated a carpet and furniture business. It’s a town that experienced one of the worst coal mining tragedies in history.
In 1968, an explosion rocked a shaft and took the lives of 78 hard-working miners. That was three years after now-Sen. Manchin graduated from high school and got into WVU on a football scholarship. Every step of the way, Manchin’s identity as a statesman carries a legacy of small-town grit, and an understanding Americans earn their way. Now, Senator Manchin comes under vicious attacks from members of his own because he refuses to let democracy fall.
“Joe Manchin, while he speaks to being holier than thou and upholding our democracy and looking to save it, he’s really upholding a system of white supremacy through wealth inequality through people like the Koch Brothers,” New York Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman reportedly said.
Rep. Bowman refers to the so-called For the People Act that has zero Republican support. The legislation sets federal regulations regarding the voting process that opens the door for widespread irregularities. Americans are fiercely divided over the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. This bill would cement many of the suspicious processes that appear to favor Democrats.
“Unfortunately, we now are witnessing that the fundamental right to vote has itself become overtly politicized. Today’s debate about how to best protect our right to vote and to hold elections, however, is not about finding common ground, but seeking partisan advantage,” Manchin wrote. “I believe that partisan voting legislation will destroy the already weakening binds of our democracy, and for that reason, I will vote against the For the People Act.”
The deep divisions in Washington, D.C., have liberal extremists willing to eliminate the delicate balance of power. The obstacles standing between the AOC’s and Nancy Pelosi’s of the world seizing control include dissolving the Senate’s filibuster that gives the minority party a voice in government.
The Senate stands split 50-50 with Kamala Harris representing a tie-breaking vote in a simple majority. But to secure power, the left needs to dispense with the 60-vote threshold of the filibuster rule. As Joe Biden’s divisive legislation works its way through Congress, Democrats have quickly discovered Manchin will not toe the party line at the expense of the country. That leaves them only 49 votes, one short, even if all of their partisan hacks stay in line.
“Some Democrats have again proposed eliminating the Senate filibuster rule in order to pass the For the People Act with only Democratic support. They’ve attempted to demonize the filibuster and conveniently ignore how it has been critical to protecting the rights of Democrats in the past,” Manchin adds. “Yes, this process can be frustrating and slow. It will force compromises that are not always ideal. But consider the alternative. Do we really want to live in an America where one party can dictate and demand everything and anything it wants, whenever it wants?”
It seems counterintuitive that everyday Americans owe a debt to a politician for merely fulfilling his oath. But we live in troubling times in which Washington, D.C., elites are driven by a lust for power and care little for the consequences. The socialists are at the gates, and Senator Manchin may be the only person stopping them from breaching our democracy.
I’m not sure why there media and fool attacking him! But this man stand up for THE CONSTITUTION LAWS AND THE COUNTRY! If you don’t read those dumb laws pass by other democrats. Or getting push by a bunch of gold seeking politicians. Do your own research! Or shut up and get out of this country! H.R.1 IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD WANT! YOU WILL BE AGREEING TO GIVE THESE DEMOCRATS CORRUPT PEOPLE POWER. THAT YOU MIGHT NOT WANT THEM TO HAVE! SO DON’T COMMENT TIL YOU READ THE DAM BILLS! Everybody can get an ID and there are those that break laws by VOTING IN MORE THAN ONE STATE! H R.1 IS GIVING THESE DEMOCRATS POWER TO USE YOUR ID OR VOTING BALLOTS WITH OTHER PEOPLE WHO COULD BE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! SO THEY PICK WHO THEY WANT TO GIVE YOUR RIGHTS AWAY TO!
Joe Manchin please stick to your guns!!! You are the only one who can save America now. Your great great grandchildren will read about you in history books and be soooooo proud that you were a great man. Please do the right thing and vote NO!!!
Thank God there is someone in the Democratic party with integrity,standing up for what is right.Thank you so much for standing for the country we love.
Jamaal Bowman is not worthy of licking the sweat off from Manchin’s scrotum. Bowman is a typical hack from NY who has done nothing but fleece America and particularly the people of NY. His comments are not worth listening to.
Please stand up for what is right Joe! Thanking you in advance.
Machin thank you for standing for the America we all love!
I want to thank Manchin for standing firm and tall, I am proud that we have a man of your standards in govement. May God bless you and the USA..
Joe, Hang tough, and dont be hoodwinked by the democrats, You have Americans backing you 100%. Thank you for your bravery, and courage. You will become America’s number 1 hero.
Thank you so much for standing up for Americans and voting no.
Thank you Joe for displaying the courage to stand for your country and all of it’s people .
Thank you Joe for the love of America.
one person with common sense found in the democratic party.
Yes & Amen,I stand with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Thank You Joe for standing for God and the country of America’s Constitution.The right of America’s future,also we give our God all glory, honor and praise in Jesus Christ our Lord, the Lord of the Angel Army. For a man of God, who for such a time as this.
Thank You Joe. Keep up the GOOD, HONEST work for our constitution.