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According To Biden, Russia Is The Bad Guy

Of all the audacious things that regularly spill out of Joe Biden’s mouth, this one probably tops them all – apparently it is Russia’s fault that refugees are making their way to western nations in droves.

The United Nations (UN) reported that currently there is a record number of refugees worldwide.

On World Refugee Day, the White House published a statement, with Biden saying, “as a result of Russia’s war against Ukraine we recently reached a grim milestone.” 

He added that “according to the UN Refugee Agency, more than 100 million people are now forcibly displaced, more than at any other time in history.”

The Refugee Agency (UNHCR) was established in 1950, and provides aid and human rights assistance to refugees, keeping track of statistics on those who have been displaced.

In a report published in May, the agency said that “the number of people forced to flee conflict, violence, human rights violations and persecution has now crossed the staggering milestone of 100 million for the first time on record.”

Biden also gave himself a big pat on the back for taking in over 80,000 Afghans after he bungled the U.S. military’s exit from the war that has been raging on for over 20 years.

Biden also bragged about providing “temporary safe haven to tens of thousands of Ukrainians.”

According to UNHCR data, 5,137,933 Ukrainian refugees were recorded across Europe. Around 1,230,800 had crossed into Russia, 1,169,497 had entered Poland, 780,000 had fled to Germany

UN figures for Afghanistan indicate that “some 3.4 million people are currently displaced,” with 2,069,703 Afghan refugees registered in five neighboring nations by late May 2022. 

One the very same day Biden released his statement, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian posted a tweet with the caption, “The Persecutor of our times. #HumanRights.”

The post included pictures of the U.S military with injured civilians in the Middle East and parts of Asia.

In the footnote, it said, “Since 2001, the war the U.S. provoked in the Middle East have [sic] killed 900,000 people, including about 335,000 civilians, and displaced tens of millions.”

According to a report by the UNHCR, it is estimated that around 1.6 million Iraqi refugees and over 1.5 million people displaced internally, after former President George W. Bush lied about the country’s then-leader, Saddam Hussein possessing weapons of mass destruction.

It was admitted by Washington, however, that the intelligence used to go to war in Afghanistan had been severely flawed.

It is unsurprising that those living in developing nations were the first to be affected by the supply chain breakdown.

Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction. The US eventually had to acknowledge that its intelligence had been flawed, as it failed to find any such weapons in the country.

4 thoughts on “According To Biden, Russia Is The Bad Guy”

  1. Fake news is paramount, in every country. And, every day, it gets worse. The reason, is to support their narrative! And MSM, pour gasoline on the fire .

    And, it’s going to get much worse, before and if ever gets better.

  2. We used to get mostly accurate news reports. When something was erroneously reported, a correction was made even if it did end up on page 5. In the last 60 years, false reporting has gotten progressively worse. Pun intended.

  3. I do not necessarily agree that President George Bush “lied” about Iraq having nuclear weapons, as I’m sure he sought out the best advice from military advisers.

  4. And if there were weapons of mass destruction they took a year to go in and they could have carried them out in a suitcase or several suitcases. I believe that is exactly what they did.

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