In 1958, Mao Zedong initiated the Great Leap Forward: a five-year plan to organize Chinese society into centrally controlled labor camps beholden only to the government. To achieve this, they needed to murder hundreds of millions, smash all historical and cultural reminders of the past, and call on all citizens to act as informants and enforcers.
If this sounds a lot like what entrenched leftists who have infiltrated our institutions are aiming for today, then you’re more clued in than half the country.
In recent years, the Left has been pushing for the eradication of many of our national monuments. Their reasons are reasons of so-called “wokeness,” and they are undertaking this effort to cut us off from our roots further than ever before. Today, a handful of lawmakers have testified that the Thomas Jefferson statue in the New York City Council Chamber should be removed. According to, Democratic Assemblyman Charles Barron of Brooklyn declared Jefferson was a “slaveholding pedophile.”
He says the statue should be, “[…] put in storage somewhere, destroyed or whatever.”
Thomas Jefferson was a proponent of democracy, is one of America’s Founding Fathers, the nation’s third official president, and was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This is what he is remembered for — and why statues of him have been erected. It’s his contribution to the republic, not his sinful slaveholding past, that is commemorated in these monuments.
But what’s important to bear in mind is the fact that the purpose of these monument removals is not to withdraw any residual deference for persons who did not live up to our modern standard of morality. It is being done to cut us off from our history, to leave us mentally, morally, and spiritually abandoned. It is an ancient, time-tested, and proven part of the process of demoralizing a culture.
President Donald Trump predicted that they would go after the iconography of our nation’s founding fathers. He was half-kidding when he did. He argued that if we remove the statues of famous generals, it’s not a great leap to assume they will go after more seminal icons next. Now, they have.
Proponents of the removal cite the fact that Jefferson held slaves. But the leftist-propagated history of American slavery is peppered with lies and inaccuracies. They do not mention the fact that Democrats were the exclusive holders of slaves after legal protections for slaveholders were rightly abolished. Further, they do not mention the fact that more white men died in the effort to abolish slavery than ever owned or benefited from the ownership of slaves.
After the miserably misrepresented events of Charlottesville, Trump said this, “This week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is George Washington next week, and is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You really do have to ask yourself: ‘Where does it stop?”
Not long after that, he condemned racism in the strongest possible terms, as we all do — no matter what the would-be destroyers of our history and culture would tell you.