History Will Judge Biden Harshly For Abandoning Afghan Women & Children, Again

The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan after the 9-11 Attacks dismantled the Taliban and al-Qaeda’s terrorist capabilities and led to the end of systemic abuse of women and children. In a region that considered women second-class, non-citizens, and children mere chattel, former Pres. George W. Bush can hold his head up high, having reversed humanitarian horrors.

The former president recently explained that NATO partners such as Germany’s Angela Merkel joined the fight because “because she saw the progress that could be made for young girls and women in Afghanistan.”

But his predecessor — under the management of Joe Biden — prematurely pulled U.S. forces out of Afghanistan. The world judges Obama and Biden for the cruelty that followed after they were advised it was imminent. Obama and Biden were strenuously told that withdrawing a military presence would create a vacuum that the likes of ISIS would fill. As we all know, Biden and Obama dismissed boots-on-the-ground military advisors calling ISIS a “JV team.”

The radical Islamic extremists organized an army and seized control of villages, towns, and cities to create its caliphate. Christians were beheaded, and Muslim women were forced into marriage or sex slavery. Children were used as suicide bombers, and those as young as 12 were conscripted in ISIS’ unholy army. These rank among the horrors and blood that stains Joe Biden’s hands. Not until former President Donald Trump smashed the ISIS caliphate and sent jihadists into hiding did the abuse to women and children end.

Despite all the historical facts and accounts of a growing Taliban and ISIS military power in and around Afghanistan, Joe Biden appears to be bucking expert advice and plans to repeat his disastrous mistake.

“It’s unbelievable how that society changed from the brutality of the Taliban, and all of a sudden — sadly — I’m afraid Afghan women and girls are going to suffer unspeakable harm,” former President Bush reportedly said. “Laura (Bush) and I spent a lot of time with Afghan women, and they’re scared. And I think about all the interpreters and people that helped not only US troops but NATO troops, and it seems like they’re just going to be left behind to be slaughtered by these very brutal people. And it breaks my heart.”

As Joe Biden and NATO allies exit the 20-year joint operation in Afghanistan, the Taliban has again swelled its financial holdings and implemented a massive land grab. Reports indicate the Islamic extremists now occupy 85 percent of the country. To finance what appears to be another complete overthrow, the Taliban retooled itself into a cartel.

“Afghanistan is emerging as a significant global producer of methamphetamine, according to a study published on Tuesday by the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction,” reports indicate.

Taliban leaders no longer consider the U.S. a significant threat, perceiving Joe Biden as too weak to stay the course. That’s largely why they dispatched representatives to negotiate with Russia over control of Afghanistan’s northern border.

Before the last American soldiers leave the country, the Taliban has secured most of the land, went into the drug-trafficking business, and fears conflict with Russia, not the U.S. Joe Biden sentences women and children in the region to unspeakable horrors, again.

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