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White Liberals Receive Letter Warning Them to NOT Send Their Kids to Ivy Leagues

White liberals in the Dallas area are receiving some peculiar letters urging them against sending their children to elite universities.

A left-wing organization known as Dallas Justice Now has distributed a number of letters signaling out white residents living in Highland Park. The letters ask recipients to sign a pledge indicating that they will not attend or send their children to Ivy League schools. The logic? Doing so would take space away from a person of color that has been denied that privilege for hundreds of years.

“We are writing to you because we understand you are white and live within the Highland Park Independent School District and thus benefit from enormous privileges taken at the expense of communities of color,” the letter says. “You live in the whitest and wealthiest neighborhood in Dallas, whether you know it or not, you earned or inherited your money through oppressing people of color.”

A lot of questions pop up right off the bat. First and foremost, it’s unknown how this organization was able to single out white residents in these neighborhoods. That seems like a bit of a breach of privacy, but the letter only gets more disturbing from there.

“However, it is also our understanding that you are a Democrat and supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement, which makes you one of our white allies and puts you in a position to help correct these cruel injustices,” the letter continues. “We need you to step up and back up your words with action and truly sacrifice to make our segregated city more just.”

The letter ends with a prompt to readers to sign the “college pledge,” urging them to avoid Ivy League schools. There are two options to check at the bottom: “I agree” and “I am a racist hypocrite.”

Once again, leftists publicly devour their own, showing the toxic dangerous of getting involved with the social justice crowd in the first place. No matter what you do, it will never be enough. This is a war for cultural dominance, pure and simple.

Here’s Anthony Brian Logan to break down the fulls tory — the details are just crazy.

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