Although Democrats disgraced themselves and embarrassed the nation on a global scale during the U.S. Supreme Court nominations during the Trump Administration, the former president appears to have restored faith in the American judicial system.
During the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, Democrats leaked false allegations that the evenhanded judge and family man was a serial rapist. Despite most witnesses recanting their false allegations and others were proven to be liars, the fake news media was more than willing to sling mud. And when judge Amy Coney Barrett was tapped by former President Donald Trump, liberals vowed to pack the high court and orchestrate a bloodless coup, democracy be damned.
Although left-wing extremists hate the current 6-3 conservative majority, the decisions rank among the most impartial in history. That’s largely because Justice Barrett has delivered a tempered conservativism that remains faithful to the U.S. Constitution and not special interests.
“She came away as a careful member of the court who is not going to be throwing bombs or making sweeping pronouncements, but judging cases on an individual basis,” University of Iowa law professor Derek Muller and former Justice Barrett student, reportedly said.
Liberal politicians ran 2020 campaigns promising their voting base they would pack the high court with enough partisans to get favorable decisions. Claiming Barrett occupying the seat held by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would result in ending the Affordable Care Act and erase pro-abortion laws, Democrats and fake news scare tactics have largely proven to be lies.
“Barrett’s pattern so far contrasts with that of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who in the conservative bloc has sided mainly with Roberts on the center-right. Differences between the newest appointees of former President Donald Trump could play out in major cases to be decided in the next two months, over the Affordable Care Act, voting rights, and religious liberties when tested against LGBTQ interests, as well as next session in a Second Amendment gun rights case already on the calendar,” CNN reportedly stated. “The justices are also considering an abortion rights case for the 2021-22 term that would further illuminate Barrett’s brand of conservatism.”
Although Senate Democrats unanimously voted against Barrett 48-52, she joined a 7-2 majority that upheld Obama’s so-called Affordable Care Act. She also did not join far-right justices to take up hot-button LGBTQ cases. By that same token, she has drawn a line in the sand against bureaucratic overreach and attacks on religious liberty brought by atheist liberals. Despite Obama enlisting political activists posing as impartial judges, the Trump appointees have managed to find common ground and help them find a pathway toward America’s center.
“Perhaps the most remarkable feature of this term was that the entire court seemed to go out of its way to find common ground,” former solicitor general Gregory G. Garre reportedly said. “The term saw surprising consensus across ideological lines in high-profile cases.”
Even radicalized organizations are beginning to settle into the reality of a fair and impartial Supreme Court.
“I think we at the ACLU can, to some degree, breathe a sigh of relief. It’s nowhere near as bad as people thought,” ACLU director David Cole reportedly said. “It just shows, you cannot write anyone off on this court at this point — with the possible exception of Justice Alito.”
Everyday Americans would be well-served to remember the gross distortions of the truth leveled by Democrats and their friends in the establishment media. By ousting them from the majority in 2022, perhaps the country can begin to heal itself and return to the type of institutional integrity the U.S. Supreme Court achieved.