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Time Out! Patriotic Olympic Soccer Player Blows Whistle On Anti-American Rapinoe

The U.S. Women’s Soccer Team went from America’s darling to a group of flag-disrespecting malcontents, and all indications are their fall from grace was driven by Megan Rapinoe.

Following the poor example set by former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick after he got benched and fell to third-string with the San Francisco 49ers, Rapinoe dragged women’s soccer into the kneeling controversy. Although the perception was that the aging winger was the vocal leader of a band of unpatriotic rabble-rousers, the Olympic team’s goalie, Hope Solo, recently blew the whistle.

“It’s tough. I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling because she really wants to stand up for something in her particular way,” Solo reportedly said. “But it’s our right as Americans to do it whatever way we’re comfortable with, and I think that’s really hard being on the main stage right now with so many political issues for athletes. There’s a lot of pressure, and ultimately, at the end of the day, our number one focus should and has always been to win first.”

The result of Rapinoe’s arm-twisting otherwise proud American athletes to conform to her brand of anti-USA politics resulted in everyday people removing their support for the Olympians. People from wide-reaching walks of life felt the team that was handed the honor of representing the nation disgraced patriotic community members. Even woke athletes such as basketball player Sue Bird declined to air their dirty politics on the international stage. Rapinoe’s selfishness resulted in people rooting for them to lose.

These are live remarks reportedly made by commentators during the Olympic Games.

“I can’t believe I’m happy a Canadian team beat our U.S. team, but that’s how these woke soccer players who injected politics into the Olympics made me feel.”

“I never thought I’d live long enough to root against a U.S. team in the Olympics. Then again, these protesters in shorts weren’t really representing the U.S.”

“If you can’t respect and represent the country that sent you there, then you don’t belong on that podium.”

“Y’all wanted to be ‘woke’ cause that’s the hip thing to do, disrespect the flag and those who sacrificed for it, and act ugly by protesting and throwing tantrums? Karma’s got ya. I’m glad you lost, and I hope you won’t get bronze, either, ’cause you don’t deserve it.”

The women’s soccer team sustained stunning losses to teams who represented their countries with pride, such as Canada and Sweden. Both teams were widely considered less talented and underdogs to the Americans. Many feel that Rapinoe pressured others to act contrary to their convictions and that intimidation became a distraction.

During the Olympic Games, Hope Solo and others broke ranks. The image of a few American athletes standing tall next to a bunch of kneelers was telling. The country fielded a team as divided as the Washington, D.C. swamp because Rapinoe refused to set aside her personal biases and represent everyone.

“Right now, what I’ve seen is there’s been so much debate about the kneeling, about the not kneeling. I know most people stand against discrimination,” Solo reportedly said. “And I live in the south. I live in a very conservative area here in North Carolina in the south. Obviously, I have friends on both sides of the aisle. But I think the kneeling thing can be very divisive.”

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