Arizona Christian University did a poll that revealed that a large number of those who participated identified as fittingly somewhere in the LGBTQ community.
The survey asked to choose a self-description and the age group of 18-24 years old, making up over two-third of those polled, said they identified as being Lesibian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans or Queer (LGBTQ).
25% of those aged 25-37 also said they identified as LGBTQ.
A Gallup poll showed the rate of Americans who identify as LGBTQ has risen significantly from 4.5% to 5.6% — the largest group being people who identify as “bisexual.”
Glen Greenwald, a journalist and founder of The Intercept, was attacked on social media when he used statistical analysis to point out that just because someone identifies as “bisexual” didn’t necessarily mean they were in a same-sex relationship. In fact, the vast majority were still in heterosexual relationships.
“The vast majority of them in long-term relationships are in opposite-sex relationships (33%) rather than same-sex ones (3.7%). So 10 times more people who identify as ‘bi’ live in hetero-appearing relationships than gay/lesbian ones,” Greenwald said via Twitter.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 20 years, it’s easy to see that the “gay agenda” has become a social engineering experiment of sorts.
Virtually everywhere you look these days, whether on television programming, advertisements or even kindergarten and school curriculum, there is some type of “gaydom” being pushed on everyone.
Even Disney and other production companies, along with streaming services like Netflix, and the music industry, have been making sure that small children are constantly bombarded with suggestive imagery.
The results of the poll are unsurprising when you constantly see parents taking their children to pride parades, where they witness nudity and depravity. Small children should never be exposed to behavior like that.
Is it really a shock though that the “gay agenda” has taken hold of young minds, when we now have libraries — core institutions of learning — promoting tranny story time (or whatever the hell it’s called) to five year olds?
Some of whom have been convicted of sexually molesting children, by the way.
But in the name of tolerance, parents will continue to offer up their children as collateral damage in their parents’ pursuit to be the most “woke” mom or dad on the block.
It gets much worse, however, when 10-year-olds are twerking for tips in gay bars half naked for drunken adults who shout out how “hot” they think they are, and doing this while stuffing dollar bills in their outfits.
Transgenderism is being fed to children on a daily basis. Canada has forcefully removed children from the care of their parents, because they refused to allow their 5-year-old to take gender changing hormones.
We are witnessing the absolute death of morality and the ushering in of complete degeneracy.
The rainbow squad is coming hard and fast for children, and there isn’t a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow.
It’s all part of the Globalist plan to take down the United States: Demoralize the nation, and make everyone soft so they’ll be easier to control.
And sadly, a lot of Americans just fall right into the trap.
I hate to say “I told you so”.
So lets ship all the other sexes. Not male or female to a country where they can screw anything they like as long as they are sterilized and can not contribute to gene pool.
how much of this is wanting to be accepted by their peers?? I think they see this as a form of social protest. I cannot imagine why anyone would admit to being a deviant. and I will hazard a guess, that when they hit their 30’s and 40’s, all this will be forgotten on their part. now it is “cool”, or whatever the word on the street is today. and the fact that America has stood by quietly while this goes on adds to the desire to be different. what should have happened is they be met with terms that aren’t sugar coated. like queer, homo, faggot, etc. that doesn’t sound as sweet as LBGTQE, now does it.? also, in my day there were few of these. we laughed and tormented them into the closet. if people now would act offended instead of encouraging deviant behavior, this would come to a screeching halt. no more fags dressed up as women, reading to our young. no more acceptance of this. I am sure you remember when all this came roaring and skipping out of the closet. mr. bathhouse Barry sotero. mr I am married to a tranny man. mr. I adopted two girls from Africa to continue the farce. it isn’t cute to be deviant. it isnt hip. it is disgusting to say the least. the fact that it has been shoved down our throats and legislated into “law”, doesnt change the fact that it is an abomination. there is a reason two men and two women cannot produce offspring. and here is another gem of wisdom for all you morons who celebrate these folks. there are two genders. gene proven. if you can show me the genes of a transgender being an actual thing, two lesbians with other genes, I will apologize on bended knee. you can’t. words don’t make the cisgender real. nor the non-binary, etc. all made up to make the user feel soft and cuddly. face reality. you cannot live in fairyland. NO PUN INTENDED. back in the day, a person rarely was born with both sets of sexes. the name used was MORPHODITE. usually one set was surgically removed. not spoken of again. I miss the good old days when a man was a man and a woman appreciated it.
Is this due to trying to fit in? With so many school teacher that are gay. Parents need to be more involved with their child education and what these gay teacher are planted in their child mind!