The Associated Press reports that there is a new virus spreading in America right now: Audits. They’re spreading like COVID in a New York nursing home! (Sorry… too soon?) It will be sometime in late June when the Maricopa County, Arizona audit wraps up and we find out the results. The New Hampshire audit is almost complete, and the Fulton County, Georgia audit begins this week. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania is launching a probe of Dominion machines after a May 18 primary election there saw massive irregularities. And in Wisconsin, a police investigation of the state’s 2020 election has been authorized by the legislature.
The Enemy of the People mainstream media is handling this news with all the grace and good sportsmanship that we’ve come to expect from them. Newsweek’s take on the audits is particularly hilarious. Check this headline out:
“Republican Civil War Erupts as Arizona Officials Audit 2020 Ballots”
Yeah. Some civil war. It’s a civil war between the 90% of Republicans who think the 2020 election was a fraud, the 9% who also know it was a fraud but are too afraid to say anything about it, and the 1% that hate Donald Trump and are actively working for the other side. Civil war? Have you heard anyone on the right speak out AGAINST election audits who is either A) not named Liz Cheney or B) who does not use the secret Twitter handle Pierre Delecto?
Anyway, Newsweek goes out of its way to claim that even if all the audits succeed in uncovering mass fraud in 2020, it won’t do any good because Joe Biden is in the White House so neener-neener, Drumpers! Two select gaslighting quotes from Newsweek:
“No audits can remove… Joseph R. Biden, Jr. from the White House;” and:
“The US House certified Biden as the election winner on January 6, 2021, foreclosing any legal challenges to that result.”
These are absurd lies designed to make softminded liberals think that everything is okay and there’s no possibility that the Bad Orange Man will come back soon to give them all nightmares. If we discover that a Little League baseball team cheated to win a championship game, we take the trophy away from the little brats. Do these people honestly think the American people will stand for letting Joe Biden and Kamala Harris run the country when the audits prevail?
One quick thing to note: The Luzerne County, PA investigation is not related to the 2020 election; it’s related to the May 18 primary election in that county. However, the investigation does concern the county’s election machines and counting software, which are outsourced to Dominion Voting Systems.
All of the machines displayed a Democrat Party header at the top of all Republican ballots, which caused widespread mistrust and disenfranchised a whole bunch of GOP primary voters. The Luzerne County Council has authorized the District Attorney to investigate the machines, report its findings back to the county and to prosecute any crimes uncovered. The vote was a unanimous 10-0 to authorize the investigation.
So again, this won’t impact the 2020 results in Pennsylvania. It could, however, provide more evidence for counties across the US to take their Dominion machines out in a field, run over them repeatedly with a 4X4 and then dump the remains in a lake just in time for the 2022 midterms.
And Wisconsin… that’s exciting, right?!
Wisconsin had more “irregularities” on election night than virtually any other state (except for Georgia). It’s also one of the states that Facebook overlord Mark Zuckerberg came out of his volcano lair to shower third party entities with cash in order to “manage” precincts. Zuckerberg personally financed more than 200 voting precincts in Wisconsin, including $6.3 million that he gave to the most populous five cities there.
Rather than conducting an audit of the ballots, the legislature is contracting with retired police officers to carry out a professional investigation of all the complaints and allegations of fraud in Wisconsin. Thousands of complaints poured in after Wisconsin shut down its vote counting on election night, to make time for hundreds of thousands of Biden ballots to materials at the Zuckerberg precincts, ultimately resulting in Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes going to Biden.
Be careful out there, folks! It’s audit season, and this year’s strain appears to be contagious