The United States House of Representatives Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, has had her feet held to the fire after she and her husband Paul were accused of insider stock trading.
During an interview with CNBC, former Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher slammed Pelosi over the allegations after it was reported by Punchbowl News that the House Democrats are about to propose new legislation that would ban lawmakers, their spouses and senior staff from trading stocks.
“Clearly people have taken advantage of inside information forever,” Fisher told CNBC.
“I’m sorry to see that Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi and others appear to have taken advantage of inside information.”
This is not the first time that Nancy Pelosi has been accused of partaking in insider trading and her and her husband Paul, came under fire when they bought about 25,000 shares of Nvidia, which they were forced to sell because of mounting pressure about insider trading.
The sell-off came the day before the Senate passed a multi-billion-dollar bill, meant to boost chip manufacturing in the United States, resulting in a $341,365 loss for the Pelosi’s – if they had held out even two days longer, they would have made a huge gain.
Many are saying that the selloff was nothing but a ruse by the Pelosi’s – in an attempt to quash the accusations that were constantly made about the pair.
Zero Hedge reported:
In March of 2021, the Pelosi’s scored $1.95 million on Microsoft call options less than two weeks before the tech giant secured a $22 billion contract to supply US Army combat troops with augmented reality headsets, while in January of the same year, Paul Pelosi bought up to $1 million of Tesla calls before the Biden administration announced plans to push electric vehicles.
The Pelosi’s have also recently sold millions of shares in Visa and Apple calls and of course, Nancy denies that she has done any wrongdoing, which is unsurprising when she was asked by a reporter if she thought that members of Congress should be banned from stock trading, to which she said “no.”
Fact is, Nancy Pelosi is working for only herself and she uses her status as a lawmaker to bolster her profits on the stock exchange. Of course, you are going to have great success with the stock market, when you help control the country and introduce the laws that enable those same businesses to go up in value.
The Democrats continue to show that corruption is alive and well on Capitol Hill and they are the biggest supporters of this corruption to line their own pockets at the expense of hard-working Americans.
It will be interesting to see the upset that the Midterm Elections bring this November, hopefully Nancy Pelosi will be knocked off her crows perch and replaced with someone who has America first and last on their agenda.
PIGlousy & her drunk husband should be dragged out in handcuffs for insider trading rather than called out.
The filthy alcoholic SKANK has gotten away with criminal conduct her entire life, which has gone unchecked. WHO at the justice dept. is on her payroll?
You are right Soldado……that old drunk thief should be in jail for inside trading…remember the cook, Martha Stewart went to prison for the same thing…I guess money talks and bull sh*t walks…. I vote to have her jailed and her husband too…………
well said and its atout time the pelosi family gorpulled up about all the corruption, and that inclused the likes of newson and others. they are disgusting. Nancy had god teaer , he f family wre all corution in baltimore. CAN SOMEONE TEL ME WHY THESE DISGUSTING PEOPLE ARE STILL FREE.
Don’t forget to add the Biden family to the Polosi family, Clintons, Schiff, Shumer , and the rest of the Democrat Party they are nothing but thieves stilling the Tax Payers money . They don’t give a tinkers damn about the United States or the Citizens They need to be hung . Can’;t do that so take them all send them to the Communist Countries they think are so great Ban them from ever being able to return to thye USa if they come back well you know what to do
I agree with everyone you . Put them all one a plane with a one way trip to Siberia. Then should they try to return well you know what to do. !!!!!!!!!!!
A.R &D.R. Everyone knows about the ILLEGAL actions of the Pelosi’s and their contacts within the Political Forum
within their Social System. Everyone within that Forum watches each others back. If there were to be Legal Order
to investigate all of them CHEATING SACRID COWS, the involved SWAMP PEOPLE would be vast. All that needs to happen here is to follow the money trail. And this includes HUNTER the TRATOR BIBDEN AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY.
As we all know most of the Political Figures within our governmental system are there for a “SELF SERVING” purpose. What ever happened to our Check & Balance system ? I say , lets get appointed council headed by Peter DOOCY and start getting to the bottom of all this illegal governmental cheating crap and clean house !
No easy way out for theses traitors hung . In the public eye .
Get the story right here, Paul Pelosi did not sell all the Nvidia, he held onto 500,000 dollars worth of the stock, so the insider still made money! That fact has not been widely spread but that is the truth, they got rid of some to avoid the inside investigation, but NOT all. They are both seriously guilty of insider trading. Both need to be jailed for their crimes and they should be paying back millions and millions of dollars!
Is there MASTER call ! Santan is awaiting for the PIGLOSI’S , BIDEN’S , SCHUMER’S , NADLER’S , SCHIFF’S ,
WATER’S and the CLINTON’S Etc.
all bullshit republicans eating their heart out because they have not elected a good president in 50years
What are you talking about man? I may not like the sucker personally but, Trump did more for our nation than ANY president, regardless of the party since Reagan, and I can only imagine what he would have accomplished if he hadn’t been blocked at every turn by the wacked-out Liberals!
John, some people never learn. I have seen a lot in my years,(77) But all this bull is ???? Publick Proof of crimes by elected officials, nothing done. Trump , no crimes, but constantly harassed by elected officials but finding no proof,
still harassed by elected officials. All of this makes sense, right. ???
Attorney General garland is the bottom of the barrel