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Melania Trump Calls Out Mainstream Media For Obvious Bias

The former First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump, weighed in recently on the current state of America and how the media has been completely biased since her husband, former President Donald Trump took office in 2017.

It is even more obvious now since Joe Biden has taken Trump’s spot in the Oval Office, as the mainstream media gloss over the horrendous job he has done of running the country since 2021.

They have done everything in their power to cover up what the First Son, Hunter Biden has been getting up to with hookers and his crack addiction and given nothing but good coverage for Biden’s wife “Dr” Jill Biden.

Despite being the most beautiful First Lady in American history, Melania was snubbed by the media and ignored by fashion magazines which happily put Michelle Obama on the cover, but not the former supermodel – because she is Donald Trump’s wife.

During an interview from her home in Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida with “Fox & Friends Weekend,” Mrs. Trump was asked about how she dealt with criticism from the media and the difference of how she and former President Trump were treated.

“They are biased,” Trump replied. “And they have likes and dislikes. And it’s so obvious. And I think American people, and everyone sees it. It was their decision, and I have much more important things to do, and I did in the White House than being on the cover of Vogue.”

Taking a swipe at First Lady Jill Biden, who has been featured on the cover, while they snubbed Melania.

“[P]eople I see always criticize me whatever I do, and I’m used to that,” she added. “I move forward, and I’m here to help the people, and that is the mission. And those people who criticize me, I would encourage them to help their own community or join to Foster the Future initiative.”

When the Trumps were in office, America was booming. Not only that, but there was also relative peace and history was made when even the Middle East came to a peace agreement for the first time.

That did not last however, as soon as Biden took office, his first order of business was to undo everything that Donald Trump had achieved – which is not easy considering the number of politicians who serve themselves above the United States.

Now Russia is in a war with Ukraine, the supply chain is broken, food and baby formula is becoming scarce, the housing market is about to crash, and inflation is worse than it has been in 40 years.

The media played a huge part in the hate that was directed at the former real estate tycoon, stoking the fires of hate, especially when the covid pandemic hit in 2020.

If the mainstream media were to honestly report on the real situation in the U.S, there would be a lot of very shocked and scared people in this country.

7 thoughts on “Melania Trump Calls Out Mainstream Media For Obvious Bias”

  1. Melania,
    Weii put. You are correct in your views printed above. In this article, the subjects are well put. The USA has gone from a respectable, caring and beautiful pace to near being a third world country. The left wing are blind to what is nice and healthy for its people. Our no good leaders are blind to what is best.
    Most news media produce trash and garbage information. So you don’t watch the no good networks.

    You are also a beautiful lady inside

  2. Melania 6ou are right.. They’re pushing for gun control over a leftish shooting people. Read a report where all these shooters are of the leftist persuasion. We all think you were the most beautiful and intelligent First Lady. Who cares about the vapidness of Vogue. This country has been learning toward socialism for decades. Your husband did a wonderful job. I vote for him but my deceased husband probably voted for Biden. Have a great day. Give the president my regards and Happy Birthday on June. Sorry my donations have mostly stopped. Bills are up and income stinks thanks to Bidenflation

  3. “IF” there is a war going on in Ukraine, why is it Jill, Crazy Nancy, lying Schumer and others were there walking around NO VEST or HARD HATS? Why was U2 there giving a concert in an area Russia wants? I sure wouldn’t be putting myself in real harms way “IF” Kyiv is really the Putin’s focus. Something smells fishy about this “WAR.” Is the DEMENTED Stupid Son Of A Bitch BEING BLACKMAILED? This is a good way to launder money. Our borders wide OPEN yet Beijing China Joe is sending another 40 BILLION DOLLARS to Ukraine. CLOSE OUR BORDERS. DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS. Over 40 terrorists were apprehended at our borders. How many got in undetected? Are Dem Americans STUPID? Turn off Cnn & MSDNC.

  4. Had Vogue or any rag graced their cover with Malaina’s photo they would have sold out. They’d have made a fortune off that issue. She is the most beautiful 1st lady ever in our history of 1st ladies.
    Does anyone care what or who’s photo Vogue, Newsweek, Time or any other rag prints? A FAT man in charge of health who is a father all of a sudden at age 56 thinks he’s a woman. (DUPA UGLY) He is called woman of the year on one of the rag magazines. REALLY?
    Not one person this FAKE has put in positions to ruin our country is qualified to shine shoes. A “man” who ran S Bend Indiana into the ground is in charge transportation. He was picked not for his qualifications but because he is a frail “gay man.” Heels up called China Joe a racist during the debate but she, being black and a female picked her for veep. She has no idea what she’s doing. She talks like she’s speaking to 5 year old kids.
    Well, Heels up has been to Europe now go down to our BORDER here in AZ or TX.
    Peppermint Patty is gone amd what do they replace her with? An unqualified biased (she fit the criteria her lover works for CNN) . Black and a lesbo. Who cares? That should stay in her bedroom not all over front pages. We the people want qualified people not identity politics where they dont know their DUPA from a hole in the ground.
    The DemonRats are trying to normalize gay, trans etc. People need to seek out GOD for guidance. They are doing awzy with Christianity. MURDER A BABY JUST SECONDS BEFORE BIRTH. THAT’S INFANTICIDE.
    Wake up before it’s too late

    He picks a left wing radical judge for supreme court. One who has been proven soft on pedophiles and criminals. When asked to describe a woman her reply “I’m not a biologist.” Well, I’m not a biologist but I do know a woman has ovaries, UTERUS, vagina and can give birth. I gave birth to two beautiful daughters. That’s Something a man can’t do. A woman is an adult FEMALE.
    Are you doing better under the Lying Cheating Child Hair Sniffing Racist Beijing China Xiden??? My groceries are up 50 more then normal. That’s 200 bucks a month more. Gas is up $2.50 more a gal then when our REAL PRESIDENT DJT was in our WH. I’m on a fixed income. So now i need to worry, food, gas,or the treatments i have to start in two weeks for invasive bladder cancer. Even with insurance each treatment will cist me $1,500 a month. I don’t get that much on SS.

    If I wanted to destroy America I would do exactly what China Joe is doing. Print money that we don’t have, borrowing from China to cover it. Cut gas productions to zilch, STOP ALL OIL LEASES and then blame the “GREEDY” oil companies, opened the borders, give food and baby formula to ILLEGAL ALIENS and let Americans do without. There are laws on the books Beijing China Joe is violating.
    Beijing China Joe is using TAXPAYERS DOLLARS transporting ILLEGAL ALIENS to our neighborhoods.
    A federal law exist that makes it a crime to transport or attempt to transport a noncitizen within the U.S. The law is found within the Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.), at Section 274(a)(1)(A)(ii).

    1. Couldn’t have said it better myself. The communist left have committed so many crimes and gotten away with them, yet impeached DJT on proven lies. No leader of another country dared do what Putin is doing while DJT was our president because they knew they would suffer the consequences. No fear with puppet Joe in the oval office as long as they pay him & his family enough. Good luck to you with your health problems.


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