If you learn nothing else about progressives, learn this: there is no such thing as “enough.” It’s just not in their vocabulary.
You may have noticed that goal posts for progressive policies are constantly moving. Take the pandemic, for example. First, it was “fifteen days to stop the spread.” Then, it became an amorphous couple of months to “flatten the curve.” After that, we had to wait for a vaccine. Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci wants us all to hunker down for…well, forever.
The minimum wage is another great example. Not long ago, it was revolutionary to propose a $10 per hour minimum wage. Within years, that turned into “fight for fifteen.” As you’ll see in the video below, the ideal minimum wage for leftists seems to change in real time. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it should be $25 per hour. Others see no reason why we can’t make it higher — $35, or even $50 per hour. Sounds, great, right?
So, what’s the reason for this? Why can’t leftist seem to just accept a win, and live with it? Here’s the reason: the policies themselves are irrelevant. The goal of the progressive is to tear down society and rebuild it in their own image. This is why they want to eliminate free market competition. This is also why they want to destroy virtually all cultural norms — even the basic understanding that men and women exist, and there are clear distinctions between the two genders that no measure of science can erase.
The video below is a fascinating peak into the progressive mind. It’s also a bleak reminder why conservatives can’t compromise with them. If you give these people an inch, they will happily take a mile, build a fence around it, ban police from entry, and call it an “autonomous zone.” Then they’ll try to grow fruit on random piles of dirt because they don’t know how farming works.
So, is Joe Biden even progressive enough for leftists? After all, they did vote for him to get rid of the Evil Orange Man. How is that working out for them?
Here’s what happened when the Daily Wire’s Ami Horowitz took to the streets to ask them.