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Here’s All the Debunked LIES the Media Has Told About Georgia’s Voting Law

President Joe Biden has called the new Georgia voting law the “Jim Crow law of the 21st Century.” Jim Crow laws were enacted by Democrat-controlled southern states after the Civil War to oppress former slaves and to discourage them from voting. Among other things, they imposed literacy tests and property ownership requirements, except for white voters whose fathers or grandfathers owned property and could read and write.

Labeling the Georgia law as Jim Crow is yet another example of the left’s campaign to coopt the English language. An example would be substituting the meaning of the term abortion (the termination of the life of an unborn child) with “women’s right to choose” or “women’s health.”

Take the mainstream media’s reporting of the Georgia voting law. NBC’s Nightly News has labeled the law as controversial and as adding new restrictions that are tougher on minority voters.

No surprise there. Instead of presenting both sides of the argument, the mainstream news media peppers the airways with liberal propaganda laced with charges of racism and allusions to “Jim Crow 2.0.”

For example, failed candidate for governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams, praised Major League Baseball’s decision to move its all-star game out of Atlanta because of Georgia’s recently enacted voter law. Her astonishing tweet: “Disappointed the MLB will move the All-Star Game, but proud of their stance on voting rights…”

In the public statement published with the tweet, Ms. Abrams whined, “Georgia Republicans must renounce the terrible damage they have caused to our voting system and the harm they have inflicted on our economy…”

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Arguing with liberals like Ms. Abrams would be an exercise in futility. The best that a normal, rational person can hope for is that she will never be elected to an office where she has the power to spread her lies.

The truth about the new Georgia voting law is that it:

  • Eliminates the inefficient signature verification in favor of tighter voter ID requirements for mail-in ballots. (Photo or other acceptable ID requirements for in-person voting are unchanged.)
  • Prevents voters from being influenced by food and water handouts by third parties while standing in line. (Election officials can supply water to those waiting to vote, though.)
  • Allows the state legislature to take direct control if problems are reported.
  • Adds fewer ballot drop boxes than those in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Shortens the early-voting period for all runoff elections.

Responding to critics, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said, “There is no rational argument against requiring state ID… for absentee ballots.” If the voter doesn’t have a driver’s license, the state will provide a Georgia ID card free of charge.

There is, however, one gaping hole in Mr. Raffensperger’s reasoning: Left-wing liberals don’t argue rationally. They simply call their opponents racists and characterize efforts to promote public confidence in the democratic ballot process as nostalgia for Jim Crow.

Professional baseball leaders weren’t noble and brave and don’t deserve praise. They just wanted no part of the toxic argument brewing in Georgia. They took their business elsewhere, and Atlanta businesses will lose millions thanks to liberal lies.

6 thoughts on “Here’s All the Debunked LIES the Media Has Told About Georgia’s Voting Law”

  1. I’m proud of the Georgia legislators in implementing Fair and Voter-id for the election process! We need to ensure there is integrity in the overall voting processes.

    1. AMEN !! Every state, especially blue states, should pass the same law in their states. Democrats don’t like this because if ALL states passed a law like this then the dead. the ILLEGALS and those from out of state would not be able to vote. What dose that mean ? Democrats lose as do Rhinos.

  2. How hard is it to get an state ID card? You get one if you want to drive a car! Buy cigarettes? Alcohol? Guns? So what wrong having one to vote? Biden is part of the old democrats party that KEPT PUSHING LAWS THAT KEEP BLACK PEOPLE DOWN! EVEN today there are democrats who are doing the old Jim Crow laws! And these are BLACK LOBBYISTS WORKING FOR DEMOCRAT!

  3. You always hear about how making people provide legal ID to vote disenfranchises them. Yet you never hear anyone say they are disenfranchised when they have to priduce a legal ID to enter a marijuana dispensary. Currently we hear the Democrats promising more stimulus money – free college – giving vast amounts of money to ILLEGAL invaders. ALL of this is extremely costly – however you never hear them offering FREE ID’S which would cost a drop in the bucket by comparison. In the last election it was Clinton – Soros and Feinstein’s husband who owned all those vote counting machines – NOT – Trump.

  4. Democrates have proven to be liers , all of them , anyone who thinks different has blocked out the truth , God almighty is my truth and his only begotten son Jesus Christ . America was founded on christian values . I’m thinking greed and narcissist people , have abandoned there religious heritage . To self serve there own needs . This life is a test , you don’t want to fail this one ! Repent .

  5. You are exactly right , one problem blue states won’t pass that law because the parasite governors are butt kissing the COMMUNIST DAMOCRAPS. I live in one ofthe worst states in the nation as far as corruption . we have porky pig here in Illinois. This guy is as greedy as PEEELOUSI. And Hillary and Oblama. Just like the RHINOS and SUPREME COURT JUDGES. All of rhese DAMOCRAPS are only mad and don’t like the best PRESIDENT we ever had . because he slowed their plans on turning USA COMMUNIST. And more and more states are showing up with more and more proof that this dictator in our WHITEHOUSE is a FRAUDULENT PUSH IN . biden did not win this election. There for HE IS NOT. A president. His skin may be white but with that black sole like 98% of those DAMOCRAPS they are in fact COMMUNIST !!! And yet no one will vet THISE WORTHLESS STINKING rats out of our country . AND that would be to good for them. They deserve prison and a firing squad. So MYSELFE I will not obey any law these COMMUNIST impose. Ain’t happening.

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