Everyday Americans hear a great deal about the bigotry pushed by Democrats. The so-called “critical race theory” that was developed in the 1990s slithered into public school systems in recent years. It targets white people and America as inherently racist and claims that’s why some people of color haven’t achieved their full potential. It’s the latest scheme by Democrats to set racial relations back a hundred years and teach children to hate.
“They were teaching people that our country is a horrible place, it’s a racist place, and they were teaching people to hate our country,” former President Donald Trump reportedly said. “And I’m not going to allow that to happen.”
But left-wing extremists continue to try to sow the seeds of division in an effort to persuade voters that conservatives and Republicans are their enemies, and only socialism and the welfare state can save the nation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The Democratic Party faces almost certain defeat in the 2022 midterm elections, and is working tirelessly to brainwash impressionable children into believing race — not character — is the only thing that defines us. Although they insidiously slipped critical race theory into school district curriculums, GOP lawmakers and governors are standing their ground and eliminating the left’s latest attempt at bigotry.
“Let me be clear, there’s no room in our classrooms for things like critical race theory. Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis recently said. “Our schools are supposed to give people a foundation of knowledge, not supposed to be indoctrination centers, where you’re trying to push specific ideologies.”
DeSantis is widely viewed as the frontrunner for the 2024 presidential nomination should Trump decline to run. He, like other America First advocates, continues to repel disruptive and disingenuous leftist extremism. Protecting children against this form of racist propaganda has emerged as a type of test for Republicans. Those who have drawn a red line in the sand over this issue clearly distinguish themselves from do-nothing RINOs. Others strongly aligned with American values also include the likes of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem.
“Teaching our children & grandchildren to hate their own country & pitting them against one another on the basis of race or sex is shameful & must be stopped,” Noem tweeted. “I’m proud to be the 1st candidate in America to sign ‘The 1776 Pledge to Save Our Schools.’”
The 1776 Pledge was drafted to push back against many of the false assertions made by the race-based 1619 Project. The 1619 Project falsely claims the U.S. was formed when the first slaves arrived from Africa and not when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Leftist elites want to rewrite history in a fashion that portrays the U.S. in the worst possible light. The endgame continues to be race-baiting politics and unscrupulous power grabs.
“We want our honest history, our real history, our patriotic history to be taught to our kids so that we can continue to protect America,” Governor Noem added. “It’s the most special country in the world, and it’s something that our kids deserve to have long into the future that we had the opportunity to grow up in.”
The Florida and South Dakota governors have emerged as defining faces of the Republican leadership who are determined to set the record straight and foster American values. They are joined by Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, Ohio lawmakers, and many others. The 2022 elections could determine whether or not anti-American curriculum such as critical race theory infects school systems and forces a dark self-image on the next generation.
Amen to those Governor that stands up
against this woke idea..Wish our Governor would do the same. But he is Dem. We should be demanding the same here in the Old North State.
Hello, I am very glad that their are some people out there who can still differentiate between good and evil, right from wrong, truth from lies. Also its amazing that their are some who still have the GUTS to stand up to these filthy minions of perdition. I MOST SINCERELY HOPE, that you and those Republicans who are fighting for truth and the American way, are GENUINELY TRUE! I HOPE that you Political figures are not just passing down our backs and telling us it’s raining!!! I hope your not just going through the motions of giving a DAMN , just for YOUR OWN PERSONAL GAIN!!! OUR COUNTRY AND LIVES ARE FULLY AT STAKE!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Amen, And it is great to hear that some of our governors grew some balls . we need more like them . AND FOR AMERICAN CITIZENS TO STAND UP . And pay attention to what these crimanal DAMOCRAPS ARE doing to this country. And what they have done. They have aleays done more harm than good . they are crooks LIERS CHEATERS and THEIVES .!!!! And they are the ones that deserves prison and a firing squad.
Stupid “us” before Trump, “We” sat on our rear ends “while” the Dems “figured everything out” AFTER America voted for Trump ! DUMB “us”. I can only “say” follow the money. Trump “tried” to “do” in four years “what” the Dems haven’t done FOREVER. “Clapping crazy Pelosi, “clapping like a seal”, tearing up Trump’s State Address. & stalling “forever” & enacting this crazy leftist agenda. .Is she the mother in the movie, The Manchurian Candidate?
I have grandchildren and great grandchildren who are mixed races, and I hope each one of them have the same opportunities that I had growing up. But teaching them that history did not happen is wrong. Show everyone that we have the same opportunities in life and Cristian values is the only way we will survive. God is the only way. None other!