Ever wonder why an unelected, unqualified billionaire gets regular air time to discuss your health and what’s best for you, while promoting his “vaccines”, love of authoritarian regimes and depopulation plans?
Well, according to an investigation into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it was revealed that Bill himself donated at least $319 million to various mainstream media outlets, including CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic.
Internationally, recipients of Gates’ money include The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, El País and Al-Jazeera.
Humans Are Free includes a full breakdown of money each outlet had received. They reported that “the money is generally directed towards issues close to the Gates’ hearts.”
“For example, the $3.6 million CNN grant went towards ‘report[ing] on gender equality with a particular focus on least developed countries, producing journalism on the everyday inequalities endured by women and girls across the world,’ while the Texas Tribune received millions ‘to increase public awareness and engagement of education reform issues in Texas.’”
Gates likes to fashion himself as a philanthropist, but in reality the only thing Gates is interested in, is pushing his father’s dreams of world depopulation.
Proving that journalism is dead, even investigative journalism groups like the International Center of Journalists, regularly received large amounts of cash from Gates.
“The foundation also puts up the money to directly train journalists all over the world, in the form of scholarships, courses and workshops,” reports explain.
“Today, it is possible for an individual to train as a reporter thanks to a Gates Foundation grant, find work at a Gates-funded outlet, and to belong to a press association funded by Gates.”
Gates has a deep interest in eugenics and has spent nearly $6 million in India, funding an organization called the Population Foundation of India to promote “family planning.”
His polio vaccines, largely used in Africa, are also causing those children who are receiving them, to contract polio.
His power reaches far and wide and there isn’t much that Gates’ doesn’t have his hands in. But he manages for the most part, to keep his involvement under wraps.
It explains why the MSM continuously repeats talking points, parroting anything Gates says and promotes his agenda.
Gates has recently been in the media again, promoting “vaccines” he funded, despite the overwhelming evidence the “vaccines” are killing people.
The media even covers for him when he sometimes let’s his benevolent mask slip and reveals his true intentions. During the Ted Talk, Gates openly said he could see the possibility of the world’s population being reduced by 10 to 15 percent, using vaccines as part of the plan.
Ask yourself, would you really trust a “vaccine” from someone who openly said he wanted to reduce the population, with said “vaccines”? It does not sound like it’s for the benefit of people’s health if the result is death.
Bill Gates has always been a terrible person, he uses his money and influence to control a large amount of the population.
You are the carbon Bill Gates wants to reduce. As far as the Globalists are concerned, there is no room for the peasant class.
Let’s go Brandon and gates
Gates has more Voting Stock in the Big Pharma than the CEOs of the Big Pharma!
And Gates decided that there were 2 BILLION people too many on earth. And would you know it, the virus came up, the “””JAB””” came up, and now more dead with the “””JAB””” than with the virus!
Any correlation?????
And his 3 dot tattoo with your medical history in it, to prove you’ve been jabbed. Feed em fish heads
So how much has Gates given to pharma to create the vaccines we are jabbing in our arms by Biden’s mandate?
I don’t know how much he gave, but I do know that Gates and his good buddy, Fauci, did give over a million to fund WUHAN to develop the virus and then both Gates and Fauci bought huge amounts of stock in the pharmaceutical companies to create the so called “Vaccine”. I also heard that our government also owns the rights to the “vaccines”, which means Gates. Fauci. and our totally corrupt government are making out like bandits. I for one, will NOT comply, get the jab or even wear a mask.I haven’t since this fraud first started, My Body, My Choice.
Gates is complicit with CCP, Wuhan Virus, depopulation of the world down to just 500,000,000 people maximum, which is the New World Order goal. The Globalists like Bezos and the rest are setting the stage for a One World Government, One World Religion. Get ready for The Mark of The Beast, and the Beast ruler of the World.
Obama is after the Secretary General of the United Nations..is that a hint of whats cominv, Bible readers ?
Yes, we are living in the end times. The world has become so corrupt that I don;t know how much more of this God’s going to take before He says “Enough”, bring my children home. I’m not speaking of people thastt call themselves Christians, but people that accepted Christ and became a new crerature and is living a true and holy life accordinhg to God’s Word.
The mark of the beast is the jab created from slaugter of innocents. If i say more i will sound like a religious lunatic, but until 3 mos ago i was an atheist.
God bless you!! Glad you are one of his sheep!
Biden is also making big bucks on this farce! From Big Pharma! For his illegal and unconstitutional vax mandates!
I’m with you. It’s killing people. I’ll go on God’s time not Gates or Biden.
I saw a Bill Gates interview on the internet. In it he said that he invested $10 billion and he expected a $200 billion return.
He’s making another giant fortune from killing people. Like life is not hard enough already, on normal every day working folks!!
Bill Gates should start with himself and his family when it comes to depopulation. The man is an evil S.O.B. and the world would be better off with out him. He and his ex-wife have also been behind the financing and pushing a lot of the school programs that have done nothing to educate children, they only indoctrinate and corrupt them.
Let’s go brandon
I’m finding that many people and Agencies that used to “protect” the American People are now nothing but a bunch of greedy idiots that just sell their soul for money. They have no integrity, honor or morals. We have mandatory shots that can kill you, food from foreign countries that is tainted and toxic, we can’t properly label food products, doctors are over prescribing addictive drugs, lawyers will sell their soul and leave you in the dust, our election system is corrupt, people that work the drug or slave trades, and these are only the tip of the iceberg. When did the “love of money” replace honor, truth, loyalty and love? When does one have enough money? I see multi billionaires that are killing children for money, eternal beauty, power, and control. I don’t understand it, because I’m happy when I can order food or buy clothing without looking at the price tag. Explain this to me?
I totally agree. Sad!! That’s what God says that money is the root of all kinds of EVIL. there is so much evil out there it’s insane!! God will deal with them. JUDGEMENT IS COMING!
Is Gates trying to control the world with his money? Maybe he will kill his own family first! But didn’t the FBI SHALL ARRESTED HIM FOR MURDERED! But I guess they been brought too! Only fool believe they can take money on their death bed! Gates deserved one between his eyes!
They should lock Bill Gates up!! His mind is fried and he’s election meddling and trying to control media like worthless Soros! He stold the whole computor idea to start with and made billions off of something he could have never invented! Hes just another con artist! Nobody should listen to this fool! More money than brain which makes him dangerous to society!
Gates is a thief like Mark Zukerberg! Zukerberg stole the idea for Facebook! Both are nothing but liars and thieves!
Unbelievable. Money talks and dictates. The News media is not news it is opinions. Sad the famous and rich tells us how to live and vote.
Well, there is some good news. Even that piece of excrement, Bill Gates, has to die someday. And when he does, the universe will celebrate.
I just read some of the comments so I’m back. The Chinese conduct grammar school for 11 months of the year, seven hours a day and six days a week every other week. The kids wear uniforms some of the time. The subjects that are stressed are math, sciences, English (believe it or not) the kids are being taught the Western Classics, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky…. You know, real music instead of the slop the kids in this country imbibe. Yes, this country is being destroyed and there is no hope. Anyone that thinks there is hope is on a fools errand. When the majority of our pusillanimous pipsqueak children come out of the University with a Molotov cocktail in their hand instead of a pen, it is a pretty good indication of the intellectual stature of the morons. Well, it’s really not their fault. It’s being propagated by people that don’t live in this country. Unfortunately our Congress is comprised of feckless, pusillanimous pipsqueaks without brains or morals, who incessantly regurgitate political innuendo they expect all of us to swallow. Well, liberals really are good at swallowing regurgitation. Look what we have boys and girls. Look at the state of the nation. It is turned to dung in the most prolific examples are the cities and states run by idiot liberals. They have been indoctrinated or they are themselves, perpetrators. Either way it doesn’t matter. This country is in its death knell.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: Matthew 24:22
For the elects sake…those days shall be shortened’
Everyone better just be ready it’s all in the book of Revelation I believe God is fed up with American people turning their backs on him, the Dems hate him and want him out of everything and not enough of us Republicans will stand up for God and our Country we just sit back and let them run all over us, ITS TIME TO STAND UP PEOPLE AND STOP LETTING SATAN’S LITTLE DEMS CALL THE SHOTS, ENOUGH OF THEIR PLAYING GOD
You are right! I never seen a bunch of cowards in the REPUBLICANS PARTY! Even McConnell is a cowards! He need replaced by a GOD FEARING REPUBLICANS WHO BELIEVE WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO PRAISE AND HONOR JESUS CHRIST! FOR so many years we did nothing to stop these ATHEIST FROM LYING THEIR WAYS INTO OUR SCHOOLS! So to help change this we need to REMOVE EVERY DEMOCRAT AND RINO REPUBLICANS FROM OFFICE!
Amen Sister
If Bill Gates don’t like other people. He need to give everyone a refund for buying his crap! The best thing Gates can do is COMMIT SUICIDE! THEN HE WON’T HAVE TO SEE EVERYONE ELSE!
My question is……why hasn’t someone put a Bullitt in this communist, murderers head? WHY ? Are we just going to sit around and let this murdering communist kill us all? Fauci and George Soros need to be included.
Bill Gates and other treasonous Swamp creatures need to have their a$$ets frozen and withheld from themselves!!!!
Gates of Hell has turned into another George Soros!!