When Dr. Seuss Enterprises announced that it would no longer publish six Dr. Seuss books that woke activists deemed “racist,” enterprising individuals took to eBay to sell copies of these books for hundreds of dollars apiece. Not surprisingly, cancel culture extended its reach and eBay is now banning the listings.
The move is laughable considering the fact the online retail outlet has no problem selling other offensive items, including Hitler’s Mein Kampf, sex toys, pornography, and (at least for now) Trump 2020 hats, Trump 2024 hats, and even Rigged 2020 hats.
Those who defend the decision state that Dr. Seuss Enterprises decided to pull the books of its own accord. However, as anyone who follows the news already knows, cancel culture is a real thing, and it can decimate anyone who stands in its way. If people didn’t really care what other people read in their spare time, the odds are the company would not have felt the need to pull the books.
Furthermore, this stance does not explain eBay’s decision to pull the books while other truly offensive items to remain up for sale. There is also the mischaracterization that the people who are upset about the decision to pull the six controversial Dr. Seuss books for sale are “right-wingers” who are “afraid of losing their place”, as one journalist put it.
The truth is that people of all ages and walks of life have read Dr. Seuss’s books for decades. They were only deemed “offensive” by the woke elite over the past few weeks. What’s more, there is no proof that only white people are looking to turn a profit on these books by putting them up for sale on eBay. Rather, as the CEO of a rare book firm accurately noted, the laws of supply and demand are at work in the marketplace. People who have these books now realize that their value has shot through the roof.
Granted, the six banned Dr. Seuss books do contain text and imagery that is offensive in today’s world. This should surprise no-one seeing as some of these books were written as far back as 1937. It’s understandable for Dr. Seuss Enterprises to decide to stop selling them. After all, it owns the copyrights and can do what it pleases with its property. However, eBay’s wholly hypocritical move to ban the sale of these books on its platform should alarm anyone who cares about freedom of speech and belief.
Big tech companies have no business telling people what they can do with their property, and they have no business telling people what they can and can’t read. It’s clear that eBay’s move has nothing to do with banning “offensive material,” but rather staying in step with a woke mob that is eager to go after anyone and everything.