President Joe Biden has a track record of screaming at aides and verbally assaulting staff members. He seems all too eager to start a new proxy war with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
At this same time, the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service has just released a report urging Congress to pass a law forcing women to register for the Selective Service. Apparently, “equity” means that men and women alike should be put in harm’s way to satisfy a politician’s petty wishes.
Ironically, the report itself gives a number of reasons why women should not be forced to sign up for the Selective Service. It notes that women hold a “unique status in society as wives, mothers, caregivers, and nurturers.” It then goes on to state that women would not be able to fulfill their important role in society if forcibly conscripted. It then accurately notes that forcing women into the army would cause unacceptable harm to society.
The report then went on to note that women conscripts are more likely to be injured in basic training than their male counterparts, and even quoted a retired general who pointed out that drafted women have a very difficult time handling life and death encounters on the battlefield.
Despite all of this, the Commission decided to recommend that the government begin forcing women to register with Selective. The Commission then went on to justify its recommendation by stating that it would be “in the best interests of the United States” because it would give the government more people to send into war should the need arise.
This is the very same “equity-based” outcome that conservative pundits have been warning of for years. In early 2019, when a judge rules that the all-male military draft is unconstitutional, conservative news outlets warned that women could be forced to join the army against their will and urged men to stand up against such a practice. It would not only damage women of all ages and walks of life, but also hurt the military’s warfighting capability.
Sadly, there are some who are far more concerned about “equity” at all costs, and are more than happy to put the lives of innocent young women at risk to justify far-left talking points.
Granted, some women have chosen to serve in the United States Army, and they should be respected for their decisions and accomplishments. However, the federal government should not have the power to forcibly haul young women off to war simply because some hot-head politician wants one, and it’s “equitable” for all young people to serve.
We have always protected our women and children with our men. What they are establishing with this is a way to murder our women. Next it will be our children. Oh yeah they are already doing that in their child trafficing and secret sacrificing children for their Andrechrome they need. Also the only thing left is women to be destroyed and murdered. Theyve covered everything to destroy America and its people. God is Angry at them. They serve Satan.
If both men and women all go to war who is going to care for the children, the government. How will this hold the family together. A woman has the right to joint the military and make a career there because this is America. But some women would find it hard to go to the battle field and make to out mentality normal.
All you need is more govetnment.
The “draft” has been gone for a VERY LONG TIME; the “Volunteer Army” DUH, Patrick M. Ealem USAF/ USARMY (Ret) MSM, DAV
When are the American people going to wake up to the fact that the democrats want to destroy America as we know it and enslave the American people and destroy our way of life. We need to vote all democrats out of office and return Donald Trump as President of the United States.
Yes we need to vote all of these leftist out of office and we have that power but we need to just do it and impeach Biden & Harris before it goes to far as it already has , it’s time to stand up and not be afraid .