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Biden is About to Bow to Iran — And SLAP Israel in the Face

Former President Donald Trump knew the difference between a trusted U.S. ally and an enemy state. That’s a lesson lost on left-leaning politicians such as Barack Obama and newly-inaugurated President Joe Biden. It appears that the incoming administration plans to repeat the same mistakes and return to the Iran Nuclear Deal that allowed the leading sponsor of terrorism to continue enriching uranium and fund aggression toward Israel. In essence, Biden is determined to alienate America’s most loyal ally in the Middle East by returning to the most detrimental foreign policy ever conceived.

“If the United States government rejoins the nuclear deal — and that seems to be the stated policy as of now — the practical result will be that Israel will again be alone against Iran, which by the end of the deal will have received a green light from the world, including the United States, to continue with its nuclear weapons program,” Israeli national security expert Tzachi Hanegbi said.

Reports coming out of Israel indicate that Iran never stopped its uranium enrichment program and recently achieved levels of 20 percent. Levels of 3-5 percent are typically used for power plants. At 20 percent enrichment levels, the material is largely used for research. At 90 percent, Iran would have the capability to create a nuclear weapon and make good on its promises to destroy Israel.

The Israel security expert also went on the record, stating that the Jewish state would have little alternative but to launch an offensive against Iran should Biden re-enter the Obama-era nuclear pact. That’s precisely what the wrong-headed advisors around Biden already have in the works. His nominee for assistant secretary of state, Wendy Sherman, was a key negotiator of the original failure.

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“She has successfully rallied the world to strengthen democracy and confront some of the biggest national security challenges of our time, including leading the U.S. negotiating team for the Iran Deal,” a Biden statement reportedly states.

The agreements sent more than $150 billion to Iran that was later used to fund the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) program that killed and maimed women, children, and American soldiers. The rogue regime also funneled money to radical Muslim insurgents such as ISIS and terror organizations in North Africa, among others.

By contrast, President Trump applied maximum pressure on Iran that shrank its economy, and rendered it powerless. His successful targeting of America’s enemy resulted in an end to war in the Middle East, improved relations with primarily Muslim nations, and peace accords with Israel’s other neighbors. All of those peace and prosperity gains are in jeopardy as the 78-year-old Obama-era flunky tries to throw the U.S. and Middle Eastern nations back to the days of endless war and strife.

Already the mindless fake news and establishment media are creating narratives that Iran’s ongoing violations of the agreement it still has with EU nations result from President Trump’s taking them to task. But the facts they are conveniently not discussing are that the wars are over, Israel enjoys peace with other countries in the region, Saudi Arabia has aligned itself with America, and Iran is nothing more than a gelded miscreant. The world will not be a safer place with Biden repeating the poor judgment of the past.

5 thoughts on “Biden is About to Bow to Iran — And SLAP Israel in the Face”

  1. how in the hell did we get back to the era of 5 years ago when the world was on fire , how soon we have forgotten . now 1 year into covad we have changed our direction , last year we were on top of the world in jobs economy peace in the arab world , are we going back to 2015 ? if so i am sorry for all of the young people in the USA for believing how they have been programmed to believe this shit, Biden may be a nice guy but he is a dumb shit and puppet for Obama , who is pilling the strings thru Susan Rice.

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